Tag: Christianity

  • Losing Control: 3 Things to Do to Manifest God’s Power

    Losing Control: 3 Things to Do to Manifest God’s Power

    Lately, I’ve been dwelling on what my purpose is. My roles generically lend to the broader purposes of my life, but the matters of God’s planned destiny and the exact details he wants to manifest will not come without intentionally sowing seeds. Boldness, Bravery, Authenticity Have you been wondering the…

  • Apart from God I Can Do Nothing

    Apart from God I Can Do Nothing

    My Strength vs. God’s Strength Somewhere between holding on and controlling things with my strength and letting go and coming to the end of my strength is where God moves. He is strong when we can’t do it. He is strong when we think we can, because without Him, on…

  • Two Camps of Christianity?

    Two Camps of Christianity?

    Lately, I’ve been pondering the work of the Holy Spirit in my life. I’m confounded with two schools of thought in Christianity. I’m noticing patterns of these two “camps” in the figures, friends and even family who call themselves Christian, particularly on social media. The Experiential Spiritualist Christians One school…

  • 18 Resources that Shed Light on Mental Illness in the Church

    18 Resources that Shed Light on Mental Illness in the Church

    You can never have enough help to navigate the mental health system, especially from a Christian perspective. In the following list, I’ve curated 18 reliable faith-based resources that shed light on mental illness in the church. Podcasts Focus On The Family interview with Ed Stetzer, Kay Warren, Jared Pingelton Listen…

  • Misconceptions Your Church May Have About Depression

    Misconceptions Your Church May Have About Depression

    Why would God want you to take antidepressants?  If mental illness is real, it would be in the Bible. You should pray your way out of the depression and anxiety. Don’t rely on medication. God is testing you. You must have faith. Suffering is part of being a Christian. There…

  • Your Spiritual Address: Moving Into a Peaceful Mindset

    Your Spiritual Address: Moving Into a Peaceful Mindset

    Following the concept of the last post on “A Fixer-Upper Mind Renovation,” I want to talk about finding true peace of mind as a Christian. I opened up my Bible App this morning and returned to an Oswald Chambers devotional about peace. The verse it referenced was 1 John 1:6-7…

  • Deep Calls To Deep: A Poem

    Deep Calls To Deep: A Poem

    Context As I was praying over our nation’s epidemic of suicide rates growing and pandemic of abortions, I remembered the words of Psalm 42:7, “Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me.” I penned this poem so to encourage fellow brothers and…

  • Psychotherapy vs. Christianity: The Case for True Transformation (Part II)

    Psychotherapy vs. Christianity: The Case for True Transformation (Part II)

    A Matter of The Heart In the former half of my argument, I explored the definition of moral relativity and how the admission and recognition of Truth is necessary for authentic and good life-giving change and transformation. In this post, I explore the case for the heart being untrustworthy and…