Category: work

  • Working with a Mental Illness

    Having a job has always been helpful to give me a sense of purpose and keep me focused. Since my husband is military and we move every few years, this has been a challenge I’ve risen to each time. From my first part time gig as a barista, to my…

  • My Favorite Self-Care Activities: Part 1 of 3

    My Favorite Self-Care Activities: Part 1 of 3

    To keep a well-rounded life and good routine going for maintaining my stability with bipolar, I implement a variety of self-care activities. In this 3-post series I will start with the first 3 self-care activities that help keep me from sliding back into an episode. Getting enough sleep. This may…

  • Lessons Learned Working With Mental Illness

    Lessons Learned Working With Mental Illness

    Almost exactly a year ago I started a chapter in life that opened the door to the world of casework. I began my first professional job as a caseworker for a non-profit behavioral health agency. I have learned some powerful lessons over the past year and I wanted to share…

  • Undercover Christian

    Undercover Christian

    I can’t believe I’m getting to do what I do for a job. I sit with people who are struggling with mental illness and get to help facilitate change and growth in them.   I’m being trained and learning something new everyday. I have to remember a lot of material…

  • Look Who’s Working Now

    Look Who’s Working Now

    Great news! A few weeks ago I accepted a job offer from a behavioral health company in our new hometown (as we are moving…again!). The position is called an Integrated Health Specialist, something like that of a Peer Support Specialist and Patient Advocate. I am super excited that I have…

  • Finding A Job With Bipolar Disorder

    Finding A Job With Bipolar Disorder

    It’s one thing to find a job and have bipolar disorder…it’s another thing to find a job when people know you have bipolar. As I look for work these days in a new town, I find my time has been structured enough that I’m not bored to tears, but I…