Category: faith
BipolarBrave Awards 2025 Results
The Results Are In Thank you to all who participated and cast a vote in the 2025 BipolarBrave Mental Health + Faith Awards! The response was outstanding, so thank you all who shared and voted! I’m pleased to have put this on for the fourth year to highlight those making…
Losing Control: 3 Things to Do to Manifest God’s Power
Lately, I’ve been dwelling on what my purpose is. My roles generically lend to the broader purposes of my life, but the matters of God’s planned destiny and the exact details he wants to manifest will not come without intentionally sowing seeds. Boldness, Bravery, Authenticity Have you been wondering the…
Love and Light Devotional Series – Day 5
For the previous days’ devotionals, see this link. Catching On We can challenge the status quo or norms of society through civil man-made attempts to change our culture, and that is good. We can also go behind the scenes and pull some aces from up our sleeves, letting God’s Spirit…
Love and Light Devotional Series – Day 4
This is Day 4 of a 5-day devotional series. For previous devotionals posted, follow this link. Feel the Burn No athlete enjoys the burn of the workout they perform. But there is a good burn to endure if you want to reap the results of your efforts. In the state…
Love and Light Devotional Series – Day 3
For Day 1’s devotional, follow this link. For Day 2’s devotional, follow this link. This is a devotional series on encouraging love and light in your daily walk with God. This is day three’s devotional on the nature of love being like a fire. Love is a Fire Fire burns,…
Love and Light Devotional Series Day 2
For Day 1’s content, follow this link. This is a devotional series on encouraging love and light in your daily walk with God. This is day two’s devotional on fanning the flame of your faith to a greater fire. Fan the Flame God’s power manifests through fuel (His Word) and…
Love and Light Devotional Series Day 1
It Starts with a Spark Damp, quenched wicks cannot light. It takes a dry thread or filament to catch the flame of a lit match. In the same way, our spirits ignite with immediate heat and light that starts from supernatural spiritual re-birth into eternity. God’s Spirit is an all-consuming…
Serious About Serious Series: What Every Pastor Should Know About Serious Mental Illness
Here’s the first of a series of posts on Serious Mental Illness, “Serious About Serious Series: What Every ____ Should Know About Serious Mental Illness”. I’m going to publish these posts in this series as best and as accurately as possible because this is such a misunderstood subject. In this…
2nd Annual BipolarBrave Awards 2023 Winners Announced
The results for the 2nd Annual BipolarBrave Mental Health & Faith Awards for 2023 are in. The contenders were strong in their respective categories: blog, influencer, organization, and new to 2023, broadcast. For nominees to qualify, they needed to aim for the guidelines set out in the nominations post. Congratulations…
Playing Church No More
You may think like I erroneously did, that God hasn’t been at work very much in the church, particularly the American church. But as a fellow American Christian, I’m encouraged that I’m not the only one who is done “playing church”. We ought to continue our faithful relationship with our…