Author: Katie
We Are But Mortals On This Planet
Going for a walk last night, my husband and I noticed a particularly bright light in the sky. It was too bright to be a star, and stationary in its position. Leaving the neighborhood and entering into the darker surroundings of farmland, Chris pulled out the Google Star Map app…
7 Ways To Stay Sane in Quarantine
We now have the time at home to pause and reevaluate our lives. We can rearrange our days to remain sane and maintain healthy lifestyles that we haven’t been able to prior to this time. Let’s reframe our perspective on the measures we take now for our jobs and the…
My Single Post on the Coronavirus
Coronavirus. COVID 19. China Virus. Whatever you are calling it, it’s taken us by surprise, and we all continue to talk about it. We joke, share memes, speculate, conjecture, stress and obsess over this new world we’re living in. I, for one, don’t want to. I’ve been ignoring the Coronavirus…
How to Feel Loved by God
It’s easy to hear and believe in my head that “God loves me,” “Jesus loves you,” or even a Bible verse about the love of God. It’s one thing to read it and know it. It’s another thing to feel it and experience it. What is God’s Love? Feeling loved…
Apart from God I Can Do Nothing
My Strength vs. God’s Strength Somewhere between holding on and controlling things with my strength and letting go and coming to the end of my strength is where God moves. He is strong when we can’t do it. He is strong when we think we can, because without Him, on…
Lessons Learned in the Loss of Our Son
The past two weeks have come and gone and I’m left changed forever. I’ve learned some large lessons in life in seeing my baby boy Jaxon come into the world and leave in eight days. The love I have for my son and his brief time with my husband and…
Two Camps of Christianity?
Lately, I’ve been pondering the work of the Holy Spirit in my life. I’m confounded with two schools of thought in Christianity. I’m noticing patterns of these two “camps” in the figures, friends and even family who call themselves Christian, particularly on social media. The Experiential Spiritualist Christians One school…
Naming and Claiming: Thoughts on the Word-of-Faith Movement
My heart is guarded against the Word-of-Faith Movement, an evangelical Christian movement “which teaches that Christians can access the power of faith or fear through speech.” ( Here are a few paragraphs from Wikipedia that explain the Word-of-Faith movement in more context: “Distinctive Word of Faith teachings include physical, emotional,…