Author: Katie

  • Undercover Christian

    Undercover Christian

    I can’t believe I’m getting to do what I do for a job. I sit with people who are struggling with mental illness and get to help facilitate change and growth in them.   I’m being trained and learning something new everyday. I have to remember a lot of material…

  • Suicide Prevention Tools & Tips

    Suicide Prevention Tools & Tips

    Do you or someone you know struggle with suicidal ideations? It’s okay to ask. In fact, according to the professionals, discussing suicidal intent or ideations doesn’t heighten the risk of suicide. For guidance on what to ask and how to assist someone having suicidal ideations and intent, here are a…

  • 14 Things Psych Hospitals Could Improve Upon

    14 Things Psych Hospitals Could Improve Upon

    The chill of the hospital air and my electric state of paranoia disposed me to shiver uncontrollably. Ashamed of the behaviors I exhibited after the scolding of the receptionist, I worried. I was in the lion’s den, again.  I wanted to claim victory in Jesus — in fact —  my…

  • Hectic Holidays Are Here

    Hectic Holidays Are Here

    It’s been a good eight days since my last post, as my time has been limited to get to my computer to sit down and write any blog posts. These days are flying by as I am now working full time and moved into our new home. I have to…

  • OC87RecoveryDiaries Feature: Finding My Faith Despite Losing My Mind

    OC87RecoveryDiaries Feature: Finding My Faith Despite Losing My Mind

    At twenty-four, I was hitting the peak of my young adult life. I was a college grad enjoying marriage and working my dream job as the graphic designer for a small business in sunny Central Florida. Yes, I was living with bipolar I, diagnosed at the tender age of sixteen, but…

  • Holiday Hits Mashup: The [Bipolar] Christmas Song

    Holiday Hits Mashup: The [Bipolar] Christmas Song

    Watch the video of me singing it here! Thoughts are roasting as your brain’s on fire Paranoia nipping at your nose Schizophrenic voices being sung by a choir Hallucinations dressed like Eskimos Everybody knows a doctor and some therapy Help to make the symptoms go Rapid thoughts or some great…

  • Look Who’s Working Now

    Look Who’s Working Now

    Great news! A few weeks ago I accepted a job offer from a behavioral health company in our new hometown (as we are moving…again!). The position is called an Integrated Health Specialist, something like that of a Peer Support Specialist and Patient Advocate. I am super excited that I have…

  • Holiday Hits Mashup: Manic Wonderland

    Holiday Hits Mashup: Manic Wonderland

    High-pitched rings, are ya listenin’, In my eyes, frenzies glistenin’, A chaotic sight, we’re manic tonight, Runnin’ through a Manic Wonderland.   Gone away is the blue bird, Here to stay is the new bird, He speeds up his song, as we go along, Runnin’ through a Manic Wonderland.  …

  • ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas: A Parody And Writer’s Dream

    ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas: A Parody And Writer’s Dream

     ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro’ the house Such excitement was stirring, perhaps just a mouse? The queries were sent from my agent with care, In hopes that a book contract soon would be there; I struggled to stay all snug in my bed, While visions of published…

  • An Interview With “The Bipolar Writer” J.E. Skye

    An Interview With “The Bipolar Writer” J.E. Skye

    I’ve been following an up and coming blogger and was intrigued with the productivity and results of his work in the few months he’s been online. I was inspired and had to interview this guy – he’s a bipolar and calls himself “The Bipolar Writer.” Who is he? Let’s find…