Author: Katie
The GAMEPLAN Has Arrived – sign up for yours now
This tool and multipurpose document that contains resources for preparation in case of a mental health emergency includes: -Emergency contacts (professional and personal) -Hotlines, websites and apps to go to for mood management and more mental health resources -Medication and mental health history form -Triggers and pro-actions for situations -Safety…
…But Deliver Us From Bipolar
To see this post in my first video blog, visit my YouTube channel. There was a time in my life when I wanted to soar on the wings of eagles and claim healing in Jesus’ name. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at 16, and I wanted to be healed by…
Do you have your GAMEPLAN? It’s coming…
On Monday, March 13th I’ll be re-releasing the newest version of GAMEPLAN for free to all of my blog followers. Subscribe to my newsletter to get your copy. GAMEPLAN is a mental health resource guide that includes: Healthcare providers entries Family and friend crisis contact entries Important hotlines, apps and…
Talk Bipolar To Me – Part 2: A Series For Engaging Those With Mental Illness
What Goes Up Must Come Down If you’re familiar with bipolar disorder, or major depressive disorder for that matter, being down in clinical depression has a deceptive effect on its subjects. With an imbalance of the brain’s chemistry, clinical depression is a state of mind where feelings seem to trump…
Talk Bipolar To Me – Part 1: A Series For Engaging Those With Mental Illness
Getting Nowhere Fast Does communicating with your loved one tend to feel as though they won’t open up? Or, perhaps, they’re going too fast for you to keep up with. Maybe they’re dominating the conversation and you can’t get a word in edgewise. In any of these situations it can…
Morgan Meredith Guest Posts, “Recovering When Your Mental Illness Ends a Friendship”
Losing friends is always hard. It’s even harder when they leave because of your mental health. “Sorry, but we just can’t be friends until you’re cured of this. Good luck!” “Your mental illness makes me afraid to talk to you.” As horrible as these sound, especially from people claiming…
An Interview With My Husband, Chris Dale
We’ve been together 9 years, 8 years married. I want to introduce you to my best friend (after Jesus) and love of my life, Mr. Awesome, Mr. Christopher Dale! He graciously agreed to be interviewed and so here is the tell-all story behind my better half, my mental health advocate,…
Got (Spiritual) Milk?
We are not hungry for what we don’t know. I’ve said it before, you can have a taste of the truth, but not a taste for the truth. It’s the analogy Peter gives in 1 Peter 2:2-3 “Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you…