writing from the heart today, bipolarbrave post

Writing From The Heart Today

Changes Are Here

I wanted to write more frequently and regularly here on BipolarBrave, so today I’m writing from the heart. There’s a lot of changes going on in my life lately. Not working full time is one of them. I think there is no right or wrong answer, but there is a good and better answer. I am the kind of person who needs to stay busy – or else I go stir crazy. Call it self-care, call it avoiding boredom. I’ve never been one to be okay with just sitting home and doing nothing.

(Now, my husband on the other hand, is one of those people that can stay home and binge watch TV episodes or movies for weeks and it not bother him. I’m just not that way.)

katie blogging for bipolarbrave

Which means I need to find people to interact with and things to do outside of the house. Hey, a job is a great idea for that – but just isn’t the best answer for me for right now. I wanted to spend more time on my blog and book. Leaving my job was something I chose to do and frankly, could afford to do. I wasn’t making much progress on blog or book while working full time.

Do you ever just come home burnt out at the end of a day of work and don’t want to do anything? Not even cook dinner? Of course you do…

The Heart of the Matter

There are a few irons in the fire with the blog and the book, and hopefully I can help more people find answers to their mental health and faith questions than I was able to

katie bipolarbrave

help before.

I’m trying! The year’s already half-way over and I feel like I’m in the riptide current, just trying to find my footing so I can get back to dry land. Dry land, being a clear pathway to publication. That’s my dream – it’s been a long time coming – and hubby reminds me that despite it having been a decade in the making, I need to just apply myself more to research and produce the book that will sell…

I guess I need to keep writing. That’s the simple but hard truth. I need to write! But sometimes I get discouraged about time management, wanting to conquer it all and feel overwhelmed by the multiple facets of social media and a race to the finish line of getting my manuscript completed. All in God’s timing, though, right?

That’s my post for today…from the heart.

katie bipolarbrave post imageStay brave and bold,



6 responses to “Writing From The Heart Today”

  1. Cathy Wolfe Avatar
    Cathy Wolfe

    Hey Katie,
    Thanks for sharing from your heart and I want to encourage you to just keep on keepin’ on – your work, experience and perspective are unique in the world of mental health. I “can’t wait”, (but will wait patiently) for your book to be ready!

    1. Katie Avatar

      Thanks so much Cathy! I find it’s a challenge to keep the main thing the main thing. Just not impossible. Thanks again for your support – hope you are well!

  2. Carol Anne Avatar

    Do what you can, when you can! Its not a race! There is no rush! Your work is fab! <3

    1. Katie Avatar

      Carol Anne, thank you for you encouraging words! That’s so true, just hard when I feel like other authors are ahead of me…but true – it isn’t a race. 🙂

  3. Mary Avatar

    Thanks again Katie for sharing your thoughts and ongoing projects.
    Love the pictures with the written comments.

    1. Katie Avatar

      Thank you Mary! 😉

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