Working with a Mental Illness

Having a job has always been helpful to give me a sense of purpose and keep me focused. Since my husband is military and we move every few years, this has been a challenge I’ve risen to each time. From my first part time gig as a barista, to my last position as a case manager, each job has been meaningful and proven a learning experience in many ways.

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Temp Job at Credit Union

To those who struggle with needing to work, or considering applying for Disability, my general belief is that those with mental illness diagnoses shouldn’t shy away from getting employed or staying employed.

Tough episodes may cause one to second guess their usefulness to a company that may or may not know their employee’s health issues. That’s okay. The company doesn’t have to know, and you may not want to share with them.

But I’ve found that if I forged a steady reliable work ethic and established a good working relationships with my team, I was able to build that rapport. I’ve been blessed I’ve had only one severe mental illness episode during my entire career. Someone with a long term specific career may not have that experience or fortune.

At some point it may be understandable to mention to your supervisor how your mental health may effect your job, if you are prone to exposing symptoms at work. Having a boss that understands, listens, and doesn’t look down on you because of it is a good thing.

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Activities Director

If you don’t think your boss or company would be tolerating of your admission, it’s a good idea to ask to sit down with them and another supervisor or coworker you trust. Having someone else in your midst to disclose your diagnosis may open up a more tolerating atmosphere.

Work can serve a great purpose for those who have mental illness. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Unemployment is a well-recognized risk factor for mental health problems, while returning to, or getting work is protective.” The more your company supports those with mental illness and provides resources to accommodate those with mental illness, the more inclined their employees are to serve.

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Graphic Designer

As each job I’ve worked has been a different experience, and no two employers the same in how they respond to finding out I have a mental illness, in almost every – if not every – job, I’ve taken the chance to share my diagnosis. In all of my past workplaces, my supervisors were pleased with my work and satisfied with the results. Upon my diligence to do the work and comply with the expectations set before me, I was fortunate and had no setbacks.

I believe pushing through the days and feelings of dreading going into work were just like any other person’s struggle with employment.

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Barista at Dunkin

My mental illness had no bearing on my job success. Symptoms managed and under control with medication, yes, but the work that I provided was just as beneficial to me as I was to the company.

I learned from different situations.

I advanced in pay or promotions.

I delivered what I said I would.

I worked and was rewarded.

Having a job kept me satisfied, fulfilled, and sane.

So, what’s your experience? Have you had to fight your depression or anxiety just to stay focused? Have you had success staying employed with a mental health diagnosis? Have you considered being unemployed or applying for Disability because you don’t think work is possible?

Stay brave and bold,



8 responses to “Working with a Mental Illness”

  1. Carol Anne Avatar

    I really want to get payed employment. I volunteer at the moment, and I love it. However I want a ob where I am payed and I am currently looking for work. xo

    1. Katie Avatar

      That’s awesome Carol Anne! You can do it if you believe you can, and I believe you can too! Using job centers for help with resumes is also a plus if you have those in your area.

  2. Christopher G. Bremicker Avatar

    I am schizophrenic, bipolar, and alcoholic. I have had a job ever since the inception of my illnesses. Work saved my life. It gave me purpose, pride, and money. It provided a balance with my life as a writer. It gave me a social life, got me out of the house, and kept my head screwed on straight. It gave me a life bigger than myself. Currently, I work at Walgreens as a cashier. The entire staff knows I am schizophrenic. I am judged by my performance.

    1. Katie Avatar

      Awesome Christopher!! Yes, purpose has purpose!!

    2. Katie Avatar

      Wonderful, Christopher! So happy that you have found success with your work. Purpose begets purpose. Kudos my friend!!

  3. mylustforlife Avatar

    Work has been the cornerstone in my life and a reason to get out of bed, we should be doing more to help people with mental illnesses find meaningful work they feel they can manage.

    1. Katie Avatar

      I agree! I think the mind is capable of setting different expectations and our limitations with mental illness begin with our mindset. If our brains are damaged from serious mental illnesses or drugs or trauma, one can still recover. There is always hope, because healing is always possible. Working a job can contribute to recovery in its later stages and in milder cases of mental illlness. Purpose is derived from activities, and God has made us to work, would you agree?

      1. mylustforlife Avatar

        Definitely! The mind can be very limiting, or can be the thing to extend us if we let it. My psychologist was amazed that I was able to keep working given my mental state but I felt it was so important to me that I didn’t want to give it up. A sense of purpose is very important to me.

What do you think?