BipolarBrave Awards 2023 post image

Who Has Made a Difference in the World of Mental Health & Faith?

Who has made a difference for you in your life, because of their ability to relate to the church and mental illness?

Who has brought major impact, influence, change to the conversation around faith in Christ and mental health awareness?

Nominate your BipolarBrave candidate you feel has met the following criteria for their chance to win the Mental Health & Faith BipolarBrave Awards of 2023!

The second annual BipolarBrave Mental Health & Faith Awards are here! I’m so excited to announce to you that nominations are open and will be accepted through the 21st of March. In honor of World Bipolar Day, let’s submit names of blogs, influencers, organizations, and (new to 2023!) broadcast media who’ve made a palpable difference in the world of discussion on mental health and faith.

Here’s the link to submit your nominees:

Criteria to aim for:

  • Been active on blog, site, social media, broadcast media for at minimum the past 6 months (since August 2022)
  • Have a Christian, faith-based mission/vision to include reconciling the church and mental health/illness
  • Made a visible and measurable difference and impact in others’ lives to lessen stigma and discrimination
  • Made efforts to educate, inspire, and move others to break down barriers to healthcare and express compassionate social treatment

Fine Print:

Nominations must be received on or before March 21st and voting for candidates will open March 23rd through March 29th and will be announced in next month’s newsletter and social media outlets. Winners will be announced on March 30th via social media and Winners will be notified via email.

Multiple nomination types are acceptable, just use different entry forms each time, please.


One response to “Who Has Made a Difference in the World of Mental Health & Faith?”

  1. […] new to 2023, broadcast. For nominees to qualify, they needed to aim for the guidelines set out in the nominations post. Congratulations to everyone who made it, to those who placed, and to those who […]

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