I’m collecting resources and sharing them here to encourage the conversation of mental illness and recovery. After attending Sunovion’s Mental Health Influencer’s Summit and meeting a variety of other bloggers and storytellers, I am encouraged to see that I’m not in competition with anyone, but rather I’m in a collective pursuit to end stigma and discover recovery, and keep the conversation going concerning mental wellness.
So here are a bunch of different resources I’m finding on the web currently, that have a stake in the internet social media fields of psychology and mental health. I’ll update the list as I can:
OC87 Recovery Diaries (OC87RecoveryDiaries.com) is a site committed to “fighting stigma and stereotypes with real stories from real people.” They have a podcast show featured on their site, and encourage mental health survivors to share their stories through multiple mediums.
NAMI (NAMI.org) is a site for the National Alliance on Mental Illness, “the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.” They are at the foreground of government healthcare discussions and host support group sessions all over the nation. See more here.
BeVocalSpeakUp (bevocalspeakup.com): Be Vocal is “a partnership between Demi Lovato, who is living with bipolar disorder, five leading mental health advocacy organizations and Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc.” This site gives you the tools to bring the mental wellness conversation to your community.
This Is My Brave (ThisIsMyBrave.org) is a nonprofit organization led by BipolarMomLife.com blogger Jennifer Marshall. The mission of This Is My Brave, Inc. is “to end the stigma surrounding mental health issues by sharing personal stories of individuals living successful, full lives despite mental illness through poetry, essay and original music, on stage in front of a live audience, through stories submitted and published to their blog and YouTube channel.”
The Mighty (TheMighty.com) is a newsfeed site that publishes “real stories by real people facing real challenges.” Their efforts are “building a brand and a community around them. Having a disability or disease doesn’t have to be isolating. That’s why The Mighty exists.”
MQ: Transforming Mental Health (www.mqmentalhealth.org) is a UK-based organization whose vision is “to create a world where mental illness is understood, effectively treated, and ultimately prevented.” This organization’s site is an anthropology of mental health resources, studies and a place to “swear” (pledge) your support and share your story.
BP Magazine (www.bphope.com) is the leading source in bipolar publications, and their blog is a volunteer-based resource. You have to apply to be selected to blog for them, but the opportunity is available to anyone to apply. See their blogging application for more details.
If you are aware of any other resources, please comment below or email me at katie@bipolarbrave.com. Thanks!
What do you think?