I would like to premise this post with the fact that the following tips are inspired by things that I did while I actually lost my mind, so they are unique to my situation, but I hope you can see the humor in these little “Don’ts” – I’ve gotta have something to laugh about from when I was mad! Goodness, enjoy.
1. Don’t give up your wedding ring if anyone asks
2. Don’t offer your wedding ring to anyone if no one asks
3. Don’t ask anyone into your heart (except Jesus)
4. Don’t run into trouble – stay away from bad company as much as possible
5. Don’t flirt with temptation
6. Don’t refuse help
7. Don’t forget who you are
8. Don’t worship yourself, your neighbor, and certainly not Tom Cruise
And on another note (for you wordsmiths out there), while looking for a way to word this post, I was disappointed to find that “half-joking” doesn’t have a synonym…any suggestions for a new word for “half-joke”? Come on, share in the comments!
What do you think?