Going for a walk last night, my husband and I noticed a particularly bright light in the sky. It was too bright to be a star, and stationary in its position. Leaving the neighborhood and entering into the darker surroundings of farmland, Chris pulled out the Google Star Map app at my suggestion and discovered the source of such a light. Venus.
To Be Disturbed Or To Be Daring
Whenever I look up at the night sky and see the stars, it scares me. To me, space is disturbing. Maybe I’m still afraid of the dark, and the thought of leaving our atmosphere troubles me because I’m a baby. Chris is the opposite. He tells me if he had been born in the old centuries of sailing ships, or in the future of space ships, he would embark on those missions (unmarried of course). He’s brave. I’m not — at least not in that way.
What I did wonder briefly, observing the black of the night sky and twinkling of the stars and planets, was why God would regard us. Why would it matter — the tiny planet of Earth, compared to the rest of the universe? It’s mind-boggling to compare our planet and creation’s existence to the remaining billions or trillions or septillions of perceived stars and planets there are aside from ours.
Why would we be so wrapped up in our lives, if there is evidence of creation elsewhere? Beyond that, why would God create one single universe and planet that is life-bearing and livable?
The Psalms capture this concept in chapter 8. It’s beautiful prose that describes the concept. My thoughts in response to each line are bolded in parentheses.
Psalm 8
For the choir director: A psalm of David, to be accompanied by a stringed instrument.[a]
1 O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! (saturating the earth for sure, compared to the rest of the universe)
Your glory is higher than the heavens.(it has to be, just look at the heavens – God is more glorious than them)
2 You have taught children and infants
to tell of your strength,[b]
silencing your enemies
and all who oppose you. (“out of the mouths of babes” comes wisdom – anyone with childlike faith could believe in a God that creates, and put doubters to shame)
3 When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—
the moon and the stars you set in place—
4 what are mere mortals that you should think about them,
human beings that you should care for them?[c] (Why should he care for us? Look at the amazing masterpieces he made in the rest of the world and universe)
5 Yet you made them only a little lower than God[d]
and crowned them[e] with glory and honor. (We were created in His image though, created especially to mimic and emulate the essence of our Creator)
6 You gave them charge of everything you made,
putting all things under their authority—
7 the flocks and the herds
and all the wild animals,
8 the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea,
and everything that swims the ocean currents.
9 O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!
Reason to Worship
This chapter gives anyone a good reason to be in awe of our Creator. The Big Bang Theory cannot explain the supernatural initiation of life.
Of all the creatures created, humans are the only kind that can comprehend their Creator.
In a natural and reasonable response, we are to worship Him.
How majestic He must be if we can lift our eyes to the Heavens and wonder at the specs of light billions of years away, that give purpose to the times and seasons. They mark the sky and our location in the universe, and man can purposefully measure the days and nights, months and years, by their location in relation to ours.
What a wonder, what a concept, what a creation!
What a Creator.
From Scripture
Psalm 8:4 “…what are mere mortals that you should think about them,
human beings that you should care for them?” (New Living Translation)
Today’s Prayer
Father in Heaven, thank you for this day. Thank you for creating our world and all the wonders within the universe. Your creation is majestic and You are above it all. Help me appreciate Your sovereignty and life you’ve created in all the ways you’ve made it. Give me the words to inspire others, like a child in awe and wonder. In Jesus’s name, amen.
What do you think?