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Wanting More of God

At break of day, waiting, poised to take on a new dawn, I’m searching for my God’s face. I know at the bottom of my heart and soul, I thirst for Him. I long for His presence to burn down the fears, insecurities, and uncertainties within and around me. Have you heard Him calling, too?

Are You Ready?

Let’s join together in this moment and stop our futile, fruitless efforts to meet anyone else’s expectations. God is not impressed or pleased when we worry about what man thinks of us.

No, He is far more concerned and heartbroken over the things we are holding onto tightly in our grasp that are withholding our experience of Him. He wants me and you to let go of the distractions.

The hurts.

The anger.

The fear.

The worry.

Throw that away!

Chuck those things out of your head!

Stop picking up the little trivial things and holding on to them. Cast! Cast away the things that so easily trip and entangle.

Send them right to Jesus. Tell the Lord, “God I give you this _______! God I am sick and tired of holding on to ______! Free me from ________! I want YOU!!!!”

Beloved, that’s all He wants. 

We cannot afford to hold on to the old, if we are willing to follow the One who makes EVERYTHING new. If we are earnestly wanting to see change and newness in our lives and the ones we love we must trade the old way of doing things, our old habits, hang-ups, hurts.

We must trade them for the JOY of restoring our salvation to what He did when He made us new creations in Him!

Come on, church. Do you feel me?

Oh, how the love of God is going to overwhelm and completely break us when we turn away from our own little endeavors and concerns and turn toward Him. He is the author of history, and of the future. He is waiting for us to obediently follow His voice to the next precipice, turn. I’m so excited and anticipating what HE has up His sleeve for us.

He doesn’t stop, friends. He doesn’t give up on us. He is waiting and calling.

Get Set

Let go of it all for the embrace that won’t let go of you. And when you feel it, soak it up. Release your inhibitions, insecurities, presumptions, preconceived notions of what you ought to be doing. Man is concerned with the things of the world. God couldn’t care less about what others think of you. Bring your broken heart to Him. He’s the ONLY one who has the power to heal it. Beloved, he MADE it.

I challenge your “better” sensibility today. Out of obedience to God, and your hunger that only HE can satisfy – GO TO GOD. Be vulnerable in His presence. And I promise He will cover you with His wings. He will sit with you. He will meet you where you are. He will make your heart and longings fulfilled. He will GIVE you His peace without charging you a cent. I promise.

So before you excuse your next move based on duty to man, your boss, even your family’s needs, I implore you to speak with God and tell Him what you need. CRY OUT to Jesus and wait expectantly for Him to show up. He’s so much closer to you than you feel, think, or know. He is closer than your next breath. Yes, He is.

Friends, I write this today from a place of vulnerability. I express my heart’s burning desires to articulate what you may be wanting, too. None of us are strong enough to do life alone. There’s no such thing as pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. I pray you read this plea and the eyes of your heart be enlightened. Read His Word. Draw closer to Him than ever before.

Say His name.


Why? Because you’re never going to experience Him the closest you ever have if you don’t give up the past for His fresh presence this morning. He wants to touch us all anew, in a living way today.

Are you challenged, troubled, afraid to start? Let me remind you that you can stay where you are, and have been since the last touch or experience you had with God. But friends, He is not in the past. He is here – ready to be real and alive with you. Reach out to Him and He WILL meet you halfway.

Offer Him what you have. He will take it and make it into something far beyond what you could imagine. This is what you’re made for.


Join me in prayer:

God – Wonderous Almighty Father in Heaven – 

We cry out to You

Hear our voices

We want YOU

We NEED you

We are lost without you!

Take our shame, fear, worries, hurts, broken hearts. Take them away – completely, 100%, totally. By the blood of Jesus, cover us and make us whole. 

Meet us here at this moment. Show us Your glory. Bring us together in Spirit and unite us. 

Break the chains of the lies we’ve believed. We confess our doubt and unbelief. Forgive us. Heal us. Make us more like You.

Come, Lord Jesus. Come into our hearts, and come back to us with Your holy presence – set apart – good – alive – new – powerful – mighty to save us and change our lives.

In the highest name, Jesus,



“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7



8 responses to “Wanting More of God”

  1. Staci A Avatar
    Staci A

    Hi Katie! Hi family! Katie, thank you for taking the time to pour your heart out, for trying to articulate what many, many of are feeling, but can find the words to describe. This message is one that I am hearing and feeling deeply- the critical need of letting go of past hurts, and shames so that we can live fully in the present peaceful love filled place Jesus has created for us, here and now. I love knowing that while the earthly world will always present with challenge, we have the strength to overcome every bit of it when we put our faith and give our lives to Jesus! Glory be to God. Blessings to you all. Thanks so much, Katie! ?

    1. Katie Avatar

      Staci, absolutely! Now is the time for us to draw as close as possible to the Father and one another. That takes guts and humility, and a lot of His love. I agree, Glory to God. He is not done with His story/history and I’m excited to see what He is about to do, starting with the church. God bless you and thank you for reading and commenting!! <3

      1. Caroline Avatar

        Thank you for sharing this beautiful post, Katie! I have been longing for God and living for the moments I feel Him so strongly within me. My prayer is that He continuously saves me from myself. I love Moses‘ blessing to the Israelites, “He rides across the heavens to help us…” This is our God. How does it get any better? We are indeed a people who are blessed! Thank you for the encouragement and inspiration, Katie. Blessings.

        1. Katie Avatar

          Caroline, I can relate to those God moments. I have been so thirsty for that lately and just sitting quietly before Him alone this morning where I could cry and pour my heart out to Him, and then listen for His voice made a huge difference. What keen insight you have. I am glad you’ve been encouraged this morning. We truly are blessed to serve the one true God! <3

  2. Kerri Avatar

    Girl! Your words are music to my soul. ❤?☀

    1. Katie Avatar

      Aww, thank you Kerri! I’m so glad you found a melody in them today. That’s beautiful. Your feedback blesses me! God bless you!

  3. Brie Koons Avatar

    For a long time I have been far away from God. This what I needed to hear tonight. Thanks Katie. <3

    1. Katie Avatar

      Brie, anytime, friend. I’m glad it spoke to you. 🙂

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