Tag: questions on mental illness
Fresh Thought Friday: Feelings vs. Faith
Dear Katie, I have been on a long journey for about a year now after I had a total mental breakdown last October. I was originally diagnosed with major depression but I ended up having more bipolar-type symptoms. I too have been thinking about what having this disorder means for…
Fresh Thought Friday: Seeing A New Dr.
Dear Katie, I’m about to see a psychiatrist for the first time, and I don’t know what to expect. What questions should I ask at my first appointment? -Precautious Patient Dear Precautious, That’s a great question. Before you ask them anything, I would begin by giving them the background…
Fresh Thought Friday: Church Resources
Dear Katie: Sometimes those struggling with mental illnesses come to me and my staff for help, but we don’t have resources to direct them to. What can we do as pastors and church leadership to appropriately help these emotionally and mentally unstable members of our church? Where would we begin?…
"Mental Illness: Misconceptions and Projections" An Interview with Carol Kivler
For professional speaker Carol Kivler, life threw a curve ball a decade into her executive coaching career. After being diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and failed trials of medications, her decision to use Electroconvulsive Therapy to “reboot” her brain proved successful. She now speaks to thousands around the world promoting the education…