Tag: mental illness

  • An Interview With My Husband, Chris Dale

    An Interview With My Husband, Chris Dale

    We’ve been together 9 years, 8 years married. I want to introduce you to my best friend (after Jesus) and love of my life, Mr. Awesome, Mr. Christopher Dale! He graciously agreed to be interviewed and so here is the tell-all story behind my better half, my mental health advocate,…

  • Amy Simpson Guest Posts “10 Things Everyone Needs to Know When Mental Illness Hits Home”

    Amy Simpson Guest Posts “10 Things Everyone Needs to Know When Mental Illness Hits Home”

    Amy Simpson is an author, speaker and life coach, and has been a forerunner in the mental health conversations in churches across the nation. Today she guest posts on 10 truths regarding suffering with mental illness.  During a high school youth group meeting, we did an activity that involved saying…

  • Got (Spiritual) Milk?

    Got (Spiritual) Milk?

    We are not hungry for what we don’t know. I’ve said it before, you can have a taste of the truth, but not a taste for the truth. It’s the analogy Peter gives in 1 Peter 2:2-3 “Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you…

  • Suicide Prevention Tools & Tips

    Suicide Prevention Tools & Tips

    Do you or someone you know struggle with suicidal ideations? It’s okay to ask. In fact, according to the professionals, discussing suicidal intent or ideations doesn’t heighten the risk of suicide. For guidance on what to ask and how to assist someone having suicidal ideations and intent, here are a…

  • 14 Things Psych Hospitals Could Improve Upon

    14 Things Psych Hospitals Could Improve Upon

    The chill of the hospital air and my electric state of paranoia disposed me to shiver uncontrollably. Ashamed of the behaviors I exhibited after the scolding of the receptionist, I worried. I was in the lion’s den, again.  I wanted to claim victory in Jesus — in fact —  my…

  • Hectic Holidays Are Here

    Hectic Holidays Are Here

    It’s been a good eight days since my last post, as my time has been limited to get to my computer to sit down and write any blog posts. These days are flying by as I am now working full time and moved into our new home. I have to…

  • Fresh Thought Friday: What To Expect In The Ward

    Fresh Thought Friday: What To Expect In The Ward

    Dear Katie: I’m having trouble with obtaining medication and my reality is way off. If I admit myself into the hospital, what would the stay be like? What can I expect and how long might I be there for? And how would I pay for it? -Terrified & Troubled  …

  • 8 Things To Do For Someone With Bipolar Depression

    So you were wondering what can you say around someone with Bipolar Depression? I already gave you 6 things to avoid around a depressed loved one, here are 8 things you can do to help ease the situation. Be respectful.  “I don’t know exactly what you’re going through, but I would like to…

  • 6 Things Not To Do Around A Depressed Person

    6 Things Not To Do Around A Depressed Person

    Have you found someone you know is depressed and is exhibiting symptoms of Bipolar Depression? This is a tough situation to be around. Here are some suggestions of what things to avoid doing while you’re around them. Telling them to smile. It can be a well-meant suggestion, but this doesn’t…

  • 6 Things Not To Do Around A Manic Person

    6 Things Not To Do Around A Manic Person

    Here are six things I would have had knee-jerk reaction to had someone said them to me while I was in mania. They would have added fuel to the fire and made things escalate. Asking “Why don’t you use your medication?” This is a huge thing to say to someone off…