Tag: job
Working with a Mental Illness
Having a job has always been helpful to give me a sense of purpose and keep me focused. Since my husband is military and we move every few years, this has been a challenge I’ve risen to each time. From my first part time gig as a barista, to my…
Look Who’s Working Now
Great news! A few weeks ago I accepted a job offer from a behavioral health company in our new hometown (as we are moving…again!). The position is called an Integrated Health Specialist, something like that of a Peer Support Specialist and Patient Advocate. I am super excited that I have…
What Did God Ever Do For Me? (Let Me Tell You…)
As Job saw his life fall apart before his eyes, so I saw my life crumble into chaos. As David cried out to the Lord to be saved, so I wept numerous times through the darkest nights of my life. As Paul pleaded for God to remove the thorn in…