Tag: job

  • Working with a Mental Illness

    Having a job has always been helpful to give me a sense of purpose and keep me focused. Since my husband is military and we move every few years, this has been a challenge I’ve risen to each time. From my first part time gig as a barista, to my…

  • Look Who’s Working Now

    Look Who’s Working Now

    Great news! A few weeks ago I accepted a job offer from a behavioral health company in our new hometown (as we are moving…again!). The position is called an Integrated Health Specialist, something like that of a Peer Support Specialist and Patient Advocate. I am super excited that I have…

  • What Did God Ever Do For Me? (Let Me Tell You…)

    What Did God Ever Do For Me? (Let Me Tell You…)

    As Job saw his life fall apart before his eyes, so I saw my life crumble into chaos. As David cried out to the Lord to be saved, so I wept numerous times through the darkest nights of my life. As Paul pleaded for God to remove the thorn in…