Tag: church and mental health

  • Recommended Reading: Not Quite Fine

    Recommended Reading: Not Quite Fine

    Carlene Hill Byron is a friend on the mental health advocacy “webosphere” and she graciously offered for me to read and review her first published work, Not Quite Fine: Mental Health, Faith, and Showing Up for One Another. By just looking at the quality of the cover design, it’s actually…

  • Biblical Self-Care Suggestions

    Biblical Self-Care Suggestions

    Self-care vs. Self-care? You can see that there is some controversy in Christian circles today, to use the terms of psychology-coined concepts like “self-care” and “self-talk.” Some would argue that the suggested “self” preceded acts are in fact, “self”-driven, and thus “self”-centered, equating anyone doing them with being sinful and…

  • Coming Soon: Church Mental Health Summit October 10th

    Coming Soon: Church Mental Health Summit October 10th

    Hi BipolarBrave friends — In case you missed my last newsletter, I want to make sure you know the news about the Church Mental Health Summit taking place online October 10th, 2020. Laura Howe, of Hope Made Strong, has invited a diverse and serious line up of industry experts to…