Tag: bipolar disorder

  • Moods & Maternity

    Moods & Maternity

    Moodiness comes with maternity, that’s a given. Add to that a layer of a mood disorder diagnosis, and you better brace yourself. In my experience, the last two years (being pregnant twice for 21 months except two in between), have been such complicated times in terms of emotions. Not to…

  • Pregnancy & Parenting Thoughts

    Pregnancy & Parenting Thoughts

    Among the busy-ness of life, I’m burned out. Not to mention…pregnant! For someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you may be wondering how safe it would be to get pregnant with a Severe Mental Illness. I consulted with my last psychiatrist and current psychiatrist and maternal prenatal doctor, and based on…

  • Not Crazy, Creative

    Not Crazy, Creative

    In last month’s post, I briefly compiled a list of 9 self-care activities in 3 parts, here, here and here, that keep me from going back into a bipolar episode. In this post I’m digging deeper into the activity of creativity. The definition of crazy, as you probably already know:…

  • How Exercise Keeps Me Sane

    How Exercise Keeps Me Sane

    It may seem boring to those who don’t run, but every morning I rise to the challenge of a run, it keeps my moods in check and my brain stimulated.

  • How A Daily Schedule Keeps Me Sane

    How A Daily Schedule Keeps Me Sane

    It’s already 2:15 PM and I’m supposed to be cranking this post out today. I can tell you, I may not have gotten it done without my handy dandy schedule. It’s imperative that I keep a daily schedule planner to feel productive, get things done, and stay sane. Time is…

  • My Favorite Self-Care Activities: Part 3 of 3

    My Favorite Self-Care Activities: Part 3 of 3

    Here are the last few self-care activities that benefit me and help keep me from sliding back into another bipolar episode. In case you missed the last 2 posts:  Here’s Part One. Here’s Part Two. You’re welcome. ? Staying connected to church. There are many attractive benefits to being a…

  • Writing From The Heart Today

    Writing From The Heart Today

    Changes Are Here I wanted to write more frequently and regularly here on BipolarBrave, so today I’m writing from the heart. There’s a lot of changes going on in my life lately. Not working full time is one of them. I think there is no right or wrong answer, but…

  • Elaine Creasman Guest Posts: Never Alone in Our Pain

    Elaine Creasman Guest Posts: Never Alone in Our Pain

    Elaine is an author and inspirational speaker, founder of the Suncoast (Florida) Christian Writers Group, and kindred spirit. I met Elaine at this year’s Florida Christian Writers Conference and was delighted to hear her take on mental health in the church. Here is a guest post from her, articulating the…

  • Anosognosia: The Ghost Symptom & Why Bipolars Don’t Take Their Meds

    Anosognosia: The Ghost Symptom & Why Bipolars Don’t Take Their Meds

    Here’s a term you ought to know. Anosognosia. It’s present in those with paralysis, but also those with mental illness. It’s also the number one reason people with mood disorders don’t take their medication and why they lack the perception to recognize their mental illness. Ano-what? According to the Treatment Advocacy…

  • Why Do I Call It BipolarBrave?

    Why Do I Call It BipolarBrave?

    I was going to write down what I meant by BipolarBrave, but I’ve come to a place where I’m questioning that. I was going to say it’s brave to talk about it, and brave to have gone through bipolar disorder episodes. That’s the initial thoughts I’ve had. And then there’s…