Tag: bipolar

  • How Church Keeps Me Sane

    How Church Keeps Me Sane

    Sundays are Special When I recognized that Sundays were the days we attended church, I also keyed into the weather and found the sun had a way of shining brighter on those days. So it seemed. Maybe it was that it was the Lord’s day, and on those days I…

  • 3 Irrational Fears and How I Need to Face Them

    3 Irrational Fears and How I Need to Face Them

    Fear is a funny thing. It can drive us away from something, or can drive us to do something. In my life, fear has taken many forms and caused a variety of behaviors, but the three more common fears that I face are being rejected, being vulnerable, and being judged.…

  • New: Fresh Thought Fridays

    New: Fresh Thought Fridays

    I’ve been contemplating what else I could offer on my blog for Fridays. And then I got the idea: Dear Abby but for bipolars! So I’m challenging you: send me your craziest, weirdest, most serious (or not so serious) questions in regards to bipolar disorder, living with mental illness, recovery…

  • Freebie Friday: Gameplan Ebook

    Freebie Friday: Gameplan Ebook

    So as promised, you can download my FREE Gameplan: A Mental Health Resource Guide, by signing up for my newsletters! If you ignored my pop-up, try this link or refresh your browser. Signing up to receive my newsletter will enable you to get an automatic email with the link to…

  • Myths, Half-Truths & Lies Surrounding Bipolar Disorder

    Myths, Half-Truths & Lies Surrounding Bipolar Disorder

    “Oh, what a tangled web we weave!” -Sir Walter Scott, Marmion Let’s dispel the myths, half-truths and lies surrounding bipolar disorder and get the facts straight: NO, you aren’t necessarily in either mania or depression when you have bipolar. If you can find a good medication regime and treatment (talk therapy),…

  • Advocacy In Action: An Interview with Karl Shallowhorn

    Advocacy In Action: An Interview with Karl Shallowhorn

    BipolarBrave:  Karl, tell me a little about yourself and how you discovered you had bipolar. Karl:  I’m a  Western New York Native and I work for the Mental Health Association of Erie County and Compeer Buffalo. I’m a New York State Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor. I’m also a…

  • My So-Called Life With Bipolar

    My So-Called Life With Bipolar

    The way those with bipolar disorder live their lives seems to be a tough hand. In most mental illness forums I’m a part of, many are complaining of one thing or another surrounding the disorder. I don’t mean to sound proud but I scratch my head. Am I missing something? Am…