suicide prevention, tools and tips, bipolarbrave

Suicide Prevention Tools & Tips

Do you or someone you know struggle with suicidal ideations? It’s okay to ask. In fact, according to the professionals, discussing suicidal intent or ideations doesn’t heighten the risk of suicide. For guidance on what to ask and how to assist someone having suicidal ideations and intent, here are a few resources that will equip you for having that conversation and assisting that person to safety. The following are credible tools for directing someone to life-saving services:

Whether you’re a mental health professional, public servant, teacher, clergyman, neighbor, family or friend, here are 3 key principles behind screening for suicidal thinking:

  1. Ask without judgment and listen without blame.
  2. Determine whether they have a plan. A plan is a method with a date.
  3. Assist them to safety. Come alongside them to the hospital or to a mental health professional.



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