post title image holding to hope

Staying Sane While Loving Someone with a Mental Illness

Hey there, friends.

Today I want to share a resource for you if you’re struggling with helping a loved one with mental illness. Whether you’re their caregiver or family member who has been living with them and their illness, this will be a huge help to you. Out of his personal experiences with bipolar disorder and his wife and family’s commitment to him despite that, Pastor Brad keeps offering you a glimpse of the hope, stability, and sanity that is possible to have in this life.

Holding to Hope: Staying Sane While Loving Someone with a Mental Illness was written by Pastor Brad Hoefs and his wife Donna and recently published. This book is going to be a valuable resource to those wanting direction and guidance on navigating life with a loved one who has a mental illness.

image of book holding to hope

It reads like a devotional and the chapters are short and easy to read. Chapters cover topics from discovering and recognizing the diagnosis, to relationship principles, boundaries, what to do with feelings of hopelessness, what empowers your loved one vs. what enables them, creative ‘non-confronting’ ways to confront your loved one, and loads more.

You can read it through one chapter a day, in one sitting each, like a devotional. Or you can read at whatever pace you want. And you can read it with a group, or that loved one, too!

There are anecdotes of real people, narrative from Brad and Donna regarding his experiences, prayers to lead you in what to pray for, and questions with space for reflection and writing your answers.

This is a go-to resource, and I recommend you get a copy today. It’s available on Amazon and the Fresh Hope store online.

Stay real,



4 responses to “Staying Sane While Loving Someone with a Mental Illness”

  1. Michele Morin Avatar

    It makes me so happy to know that resources are available for families in the struggle with mental health issues.

    1. Katie Avatar

      It’s so helpful we have faith-based resources, at that, too! Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Michele!

  2. Lisa Blair Avatar

    Thank you for sharing this resource, Katie. I have passed it along to several others.

    1. Katie Avatar

      Excellent! Thank you for sharing and thank you for letting me know! Have a great day Lisa!

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