Social Mania: Tweeting, Posting and #ing While Manic

Move over social “media” and watch out for social “mania.” The internet really puts a knife and fork in your hand, an endless menu of media before you and says, “Dig in.”

But nothing says “glutton” like an intense rapid-fire of tweets, hashtags and posts from a trigger-happy Facebook user. Especially when you’re manic. Just put your safety on when you’re feeling impulsive. You can do this. I know you have a voice and something to say. You just need a little patience and a lot of prudence.

  1. Keep it to what’s necessary. Ask yourself, “What is the benefit of posting this?” If the benefit is more for you in relieving yourself of those nagging thoughts, realize that not everyone wants to know them or will understand where you’re coming from. In Lala Land (my brother’s term for Mania), I feel empowered and entitled to share my perceptions. Depending on how far out there they are, they may just end up embarrassing me later on, or possibly offending others more than helping them.
  2. Slow down. A lot may be said, but there’s nothing new under sun. Leave your rambling comments and novel-length posts to a journal or therapy session with a professional. Not everything needs to be shared online. It’s wise to filter your emotions and prominent ideas through another person, just not everyone on your Facebook feed.
  3. Sleep on it. If you’re not sure whether this is a beneficial post, newsworthy share, or worthwhile comment, give it time. The draw to having everything instant and realtime can make for some permanent and real mistakes, if you’re not using discretion. Surely there’s more sense in waiting to say something thoughtful than rushing into an onslaught of words you can’t take back. Take a step away and come back later when you’re in a calm place and the tidal wave of sensationalism is broken.
  4. Pray about it. If you don’t have a peace about it, give it over to God. This is where patience and self-control are grown. Did you stop to wonder if saying nothing at all will be acceptable? In mania, Bipolar thinking prompts us to act on our emotions, but we always will have a choice. And instead of OUR words being printed or published, God’s Word is our best defense. “Be still, and know” that HE is God. We may have a million and one things to say about a subject. But He has the last word.


What do you think?