, podcast

Revealing Voices Podcast

Today my interview on Revealing Voices Podcast goes live:

Here on episode 4, we welcome Katie R. Dale. Katie shares her unique blend of passion for recovery and humor over episodes in her past. She reveals joys and frustrations, and still comes to affirm the value of both faith and mental healthcare.
Katie addresses such questions as:
Who were your early faith inspirations?
What experiences do you have in psychiatric hospitals?
What is your view of pregnancy and mental health?
Why did you entitle your blog Bipolar Brave?
Katie currently serves as a caseworker at a behavioral non-profit to assist and facilitate change and growth in those with mental illness. As a former behavioral inpatient and proud bipolar, she has a unique first-hand perspective on the mental healthcare system and the symptoms of mental illness.

Click here for the interview!

As a continuation of the answer to “What does healing mean to you?” I added the following thoughts:

Healing is definitely the hand of God on my mind – I consider that I’m healed as it pertains to the elimination of symptoms and side effects. I take medication daily and believe that’s the course God has set me on for a personal healing of bipolar disorder. I don’t have the symptoms – praise God. However, I want to be clear that I recognize I’ll always have bipolar disorder this side of heaven, tempered and treated by medication. I don’t think I’m healed, as in, cured. That is a different thing altogether. To be cured would be like a deliverance of it, but that’s not possible. People aren’t usually cured miraculously of most disorders or illnesses. That’s just not a typical healing. But God has graciously given me the exact dosage of medication I need to function and thrive in life, and for that I know He sustains me, upholds me, and maintains my sound mind. To me, that is healing.

I’d encourage you to take some time to listen to the podcast. Tony and Eric are fantastic interviewers and it was truly a delight to be their guest on the show. Thank you Tony and Eric!

Have a brave and beautiful day!

Katie R. Dale


3 responses to “Revealing Voices Podcast”

  1. Kathryne Avatar


    Just a note to say how proud I am of your “success” as it were and perseverance to write and share your message. Sure, the Lord has opened doors for you and brought divine connections, but you’ve walked through each door courageously and gracefully.

    So keep the main thing the main thing (Him) and never trade the priority of platforms for the priority of the secret place. Love you!

    Blessings, Kate


    1. Katie R. Dale Avatar


      How I love your encouragement. I appreciate your faithful friendship and support, and yes, the secret place is where I will find my greatest Joy.

      Thankful for you, sister. Keep in touch!

  2. tonyroberts Avatar

    Katie, it was a blessing to have you on our show. You have a strong spiritual perspective on mental illness while at the same time, you can laugh at your own past symptoms. What a wonderful blend!

What do you think?