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Recommended Reading: Not Quite Fine

Carlene Hill Byron is a friend on the mental health advocacy “webosphere” and she graciously offered for me to read and review her first published work, Not Quite Fine: Mental Health, Faith, and Showing Up for One Another. By just looking at the quality of the cover design, it’s actually quite a fine book.

She did her homework. In just the first 3 chapters she provides figures and facts on the world’s state of mental health. Byron doesn’t inundate, but in a seasoned voice, shares her findings that correlate to the troubling state of today’s depressed, isolated, anxious society.

The author goes to great lengths to back up her findings with a slew of sources that illustrate current conditions. Thus, we can start to see why conditions are the way they are.

Quoting philosophers to Christian giants of the faith, she paints a vivid picture of being “not quite fine” due to a variety of factors.

I highly recommend that you pick up Not Quite Fine. For the reasons mentioned, and for the simple reason that she wrote the book that was meant to be written for such a time as this. As she pulls from history, she also addresses the current Pandemic situation. Carlene gives grounded explanations for our sad state of such conditions in the church and world today.

This book is a needed answer to the issues we see in the church and gives us practical ways to treat those with those issues.

Because, that’s what the God Who is Love would do.

Thank you, Carlene, for penning the book we need right now.

Giveaway Announcement:

For your chance to win a paperback copy of Carlene’s book:

Register for my monthly newsletter here and comment below to let me know you did.

If you are already subscribed to my newsletter, then just comment below for your chance to win.

The deadline to sign up for my newsletter and comment you have signed up for is November 13th, 2021. The winner will be drawn and notified by November 14th, 2021.


7 responses to “Recommended Reading: Not Quite Fine”

  1. Carlene Hill Byron Avatar

    Katie, thank you for your kind words!!

    1. Katie Avatar

      You’re so welcome, Carlene! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Sherrie Caldwell Avatar
    Sherrie Caldwell

    I look forward to reading “not quite fine”. I’m putting together a couple mental health video’s in January for my church. This book sounds like a good source to draw facts and ideas from.

    1. Katie Avatar

      That sounds super, Sherrie! It is, plenty of great info inside. Thanks for your comment, you’re entered for the drawing!!

    2. Katie Avatar

      Congratulations! You were the winner in the book drawing for Not Quite Fine! I’ll announce it later on my Facebook page and contact you to get your address to send you your book. 🙂

  3. Kathryn ross Avatar
    Kathryn ross

    Katie I would love this book for our library! I have yours already!

    1. Katie Avatar

      Kathryn, that’s awesome! I will enter you into the drawing!! That would be great to add to the library.

What do you think?