play church no more, post title image

Playing Church No More

You may think like I erroneously did, that God hasn’t been at work very much in the church, particularly the American church. But as a fellow American Christian, I’m encouraged that I’m not the only one who is done “playing church”. We ought to continue our faithful relationship with our Lord Jesus, while resisting the temptation to keep it a secret.

Asleep No More

Immediately after Covid-19 shut down Sunday services and church work, there may have been a suppression of the preaching of the gospel. However, the further away we get from the initial two-week-flatten-the-curve “mandates,” the good news is that church attendance is beginning to grow again.

The recent increase in church attendance across generations seems to send the message of Jesus Christ, the groom, telling His sleeping beauty, the church: “Awake, O sleeper,  and arise from the dead, and I will shine on you.” (ref. Ephesians 5:14)

According to Barna Research, attendance in church has increased since 2019. Younger adults, particularly Millennials, have nearly doubled their rate of attendance from 21% to 39%, while Baby Boomers stayed the same though fluctuated in between.

In February, the world watched as a group of student-led worshippers fanned into flame a chapel service that turned into a more than two-week service, rich with the presence of the Holy Spirit as evidenced in reports and articles around the internet.

This recent explosion of spiritual activity has disproven my doubts about the progress of the evangelical church. God is clearly at work when — for a while there–I questioned His seeming lack of presence in our country.

Excuses No More

I think what has helped keep me closeted as an American Christian are lies and half-truths like:

  • I’m afraid they’ll retaliate or persecute me, make fun of me…
  • They won’t understand, spiritually their hearts are blinded…
  • They have already heard…
  • They believe in God, Jesus, but that’s enough…
  • They are making it on their own, just fine…
  • Is not my place to tell them….
  • I don’t know what to say…
  • I don’t have time. …
  • I don’t want to be pushed out of my comfort zone….
  • God is in control…
  • I’m too tired…
  • They may already be saved…
  • I couldn’t change their mind (only God can)…
  • I am struggling with my own sin…
  • I didn’t read my Bible this morning…
  • I’m weary, I feel lost myself…
  • Am I even a Christian?…
  • How would you even start a conversation to lead into salvation?

Afraid No More

With God’s Spirit apparently eager to save and work among us, especially in the youth who are so precious and especially vulnerable to suicidality, I ought to change my perspective. I shouldn’t be pointing fingers for the way I thought the church was languishing. I want to be part of the solution, so I’m asking myself, what are some simple, straightforward solutions to my “sleepy” and complacent attitude?

  1. Recognize the lies listed above, and identify which I’ve believed – renounce and repent of them
  2. Turn to Christ and ask His Holy Spirit for the strength to stand up and let Him fight through His sword of the Spirit–His words–on a daily basis
  3. Look and find and make opportunities as the Holy Spirit reveals through my day and encounters with others to share and be salt and light, follow where God is working
  4. Start to pray for one person! Pick someone prayerfully who the Holy Spirit lays on my heart
  5. Use my gifts to be creatively resourceful in evangelistic expression, using whatever platforms I might have to reach others** see below for an especially effective tool
  6. Encourage those around me, including family who may already be saved but needs encouragement to go and do likewise

Religion No More

Christianity makes a great religion if we start relying on our own strength. Far be it from us to aim for religion, or even a revival, but to instead search for Jesus and where the Father is working. I appreciate Asbury Revival’s influence and the far-reaching ripples of hope that have since been felt. Additionally, I want to be diligent and faithful in sharing the gospel in its fullness. The full Gospel brings transformation of the soul, church, and society. May I not be any hindrance to any of those kinds of workings but yield myself to the One Who revives.

**Here is one simple and sweet tool that my church is training to learn that could be helpful for you too:  3 Circles Training



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