creative blog post title image, bipolarbrave

Not Crazy, Creative

In last month’s post, I briefly compiled a list of 9 self-care activities in 3 parts, here, here and here, that keep me from going back into a bipolar episode. In this post I’m digging deeper into the activity of creativity.

The definition of crazy, as you probably already know: Repeating the same thing, expecting different results.

If you have the same meal every day, for weeks, you’ll most likely get sick of it. You’d go crazy.

Variety is the Spice of Life

Changing this life up is where creativity comes in. Creativity keeps me from going crazy because it adds a different perspective.

When was the last time you did something creative? Maybe you made something, painted a canvas, crocheted a sweater, helped your kids or students do a craft?

Let Go and Have Some Fun

Getting into a creative mindset is crucial to processing everyday stress, to processing a life-shattering crisis. Have you considered the following ways to make a therapeutic release of that negative energy?

  • Make art to music. Listen to instrumental and expressive music and use markers or coloring mediums to express the way the music is moving you
  • Improvise a tune. Think of an extreme memory that brings up happy or tragic feelings, and make up a song in your head and try to sing or make it audible
  • Write. Write a blog post, guest post or start a blog on your growth from a life-changing event
  • Paint n’ Sip. find a paint n sip class and sign up with a friend
  • Teach a class. offer to teach a paint n’ sip class, or whatever you’re good at
  • Rhyme in time. Try freestyling – rap off the top of your head, and see what happens
  • Color. Pick up an adult coloring book at the store and listen to music or a podcast while you contemplate and color.
  • Cook something different. Try a Pinterest recipe, or something time-tasted from an old cook book. While you’re at it, listen to a “jazz for cooking” station.

If you’ve done any of these things, what happened? Share your experiences with me in the comments!


If you’ve got another idea for creative self-care activities, please, share your thoughts!


What do you think?