When Finding The RIght Diagnosis and Medication Isn't The Answer

Missing The Mark: When Finding The Right Diagnosis and Medication Isn’t The Answer

True Healing Is Wholistic

Ultimately, our brains are just another organ and cannot be transformed simply by adding a certain medication. No, we’re much more complex beings than that. We are made up of mind, body, heart and soul. The mind is chemically-based and cognitively-functioning, processing information and the physical realm around us. The body is the physical shell that holds our mind, heart and soul. The heart is the seat of emotions, will, desire, passion and spirit. The soul is the eternal being that carries our individual identity and God’s fingerprints.

There is an answer to our broken nature in life – that each of those four components is eligible for. That answer is the Lord Jesus Christ, who as creator and sustainer of all things, invites you to be healed and set free from the brokenness of our bodies, the imperfect habits of thinking our mind learns, the unrighteous desires of the heart, and the blindness and lost standing of our souls.

So while finding a diagnosis, using medication, and receiving therapy are helpful tools for maintaining our mental health, they are no replacement for the answer to our lives’ demise.

Jesus Is The Answer

He is the only way to correct our fragmented, weary, unreasonable ways and align our disobedient hearts to His holy one.

You realize you’re not as you should be, that you don’t cut it. Do you know that you are never going to be enough to work your way out of your mental illness or shortcoming on your own? The only answer to that is the Creator of everything: and accepting His offer to take your place on the cross where He already paid for your mistakes and sins. Do you accept? Do you realize how much He loves you?

He willingly – not forced, but willingly, and gladly – not begrudgingly – gave His blood to allow you to believe and follow Him. So giving up your life and surrendering to His lordship is a beautiful thing – since that means you won’t suffer eternal separation and the sting of death in the next life. It also means healing today. Today you can be set free from the spiritual chains, the bondage of personality flaws, and with guidance and medication, experience healing of the severity of mental illness.

Do you believe? Admit your sins to Him, confess Him as your Lord and Savior, and hold on to the hope in Jesus. Then watch the Father lift you from the depths.

If you would like to respond to His offer, I’ve added a model prayer for you:


Father in Heaven,

I accept your Son Jesus, His life, His death and His resurrection on the third day. Forgive me and blot out my sins against You.


Come into my heart and change me. Transform my mind, body, heart and soul and make me a child of the Father’s. 

I believe in You and your payment for my sins. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. 

Today, heal me and grant me your eternal life. 

In Jesus’ name, amen.


If you’ve prayed that prayer out of earnest yearning to be born again, congratulations! Angels are getting their jam on in Heaven at this moment, celebrating your entrance into the Kingdom of God.

This is the key to eternal life, as it says in John 5:24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.”


Now what?

Send me an email, and find a Bible-believing church in your area. Find a good translation of the Bible – I personally recommend and use English Standard Version (ESV), New King James Version (NKJV), and New Living Translation (NLT). I suggest starting in the book of John – to understand Jesus’ life story. Your life has been changed by the power of God, He’ll grow you now. Just be willing and open to how His Holy Spirit wants to teach you and guide you.

God bless you in this new life.


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