Look Who's Working Now - KatieRDale.com
Great news! A few weeks ago I accepted a job offer from a behavioral health company in our new hometown (as we are moving…again!). The position is called an Integrated Health Specialist, something like that of a Peer Support Specialist and Patient Advocate. I am super excited that I have been offered this position as it encompasses my passions to help others with chronic mental health conditions. I will be able to come alongside these clients to provide the tools, assistance and support they need to reach their goals to get back into leading a successful, healthy life. So far, I’ve been learning how the program works in this community. There are a lot of clients that have been seen for a while that are still working toward an independent lifestyle – it takes time. With the training and resources I am receiving, the company seems to care and take care of their employees. I will be receiving my own caseload of clients soon and work with each one on their wellness plans. These wellness plans are the roadmap to their goals and steps to success. It’s a little scary and different as I will be meeting with clients in their homes sometimes, but I hope to at least share with them in their efforts to get better and understand their conditions more. I anticipate working with a lot of different kinds of people, some with bipolar disorder, some without. I intend to be consistent and upfront with each one from the beginning but open-minded and person-centered with their treatment. Resources I’m soaking up at this time for this role are the computer based training modules provided at the office, and tools like the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS), NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy model (CBT), and motivational interviewing. I look forward to blogging a little on each of these tools. Well, I’m off to work. Have a great day everyone. Bravely, Katie