1 Peter 5:10 says, “In his kindness, God called you to His eternal glory by means of Jesus Christ. After you have suffered a little while, He will restore, support and strengthen you, and He will place you on a firm foundation.” Allow me to break down this power-packed verse in my own life.
God has been kind to me. He is kind in that despite my stubborn choice to go off my medicine, a little while of suffering became an opportunity to shower me with kindness. God was allowing this suffering to go on for a time. Three months and four hospitalizations later, the storm let up. Here is where He began to heal me.
- He’s restored my health. God is completely capable of healing me without medicine, and for a while I thought one day I might be healed that way. But God had to show me otherwise. He kindly allowed me the best combination of medicines to be able to bring me back to functioning normally, and now my mind is stable. I can now think, feel and behave the way a healthy mind works. Praise Him!
- He’s supported me. God has been faithful and caring to bring me to a good psychiatrist, therapist and network of personal and professional support. I needed to talk things out and consult with the medical professionals, as well as let close friends and family be there to sound off and encourage me. I am very blessed with a supportive, trustworthy husband who will never leave me, no matter how ugly my symptoms could be.
- He’s strengthened me. I can now look back at that episode four years ago and let it be a testimony rather than tear me down with the terrible things that occurred to and from my state of mind. I have faith that’s stronger because He hasn’t given up on me, doesn’t bring it up where I messed up, and heals my brokenness when I was out in left field. I am still able to be used by Him, though the “little while” of suffering was a dark pit, I am now in a better place. From where does my help come from? The Lord.
- He’s placed me on a firm foundation. For a season of time I wondered if I would ever be strong again. When I went up against the enemy, I was deceived and began to believe I wasn’t even a child of the Most High. How dangerous a place, how fearful I was. But because I go before the throne of His Majesty, and He tells me “You are mine,” I am convinced that neither death nor the devil himself could ever separate me from my God’s unfailing mercy. He has restored my relationships, supported my personal and professional path, strengthened my resolve to believe Him and trust Him, and now He is building up that firm foundation. He gives me the strength and sure footing to live on. I have the power to choose to stand firm. That’s what makes the difference in my mindset – to have the power to love Him back. The power to obey is in my portion of the Spirit He’s given through accepting and believing His promises.
Once sufferings become a sweet sacrifice and pleasing scent of worship unto Him, He will turn the tables. He will guard and establish you. You need only to claim His promises and let Him work His way and in His timing, as it is His power in the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony that you will overcome (Revelation 12:11).
What do you think?