church post image, bipolarbrave

How Church Keeps Me Sane

Sundays are Special

When I recognized that Sundays were the days we attended church, I also keyed into the weather and found the sun had a way of shining brighter on those days. So it seemed.

Maybe it was that it was the Lord’s day, and on those days I was granted special sight to see the day through His eyes – holy.

Church as a Source of Comfort

The church has been a source of comfort to me. Especially when I was sick with bipolar, even though it never collectively identified me as sick. But individual members, other church goers would pause, look at me in the eyes, and see my hurt. They would offer words of comfort and peace. In my depression and confusion, prayers. In my mania and psychosis, empathy.

While I struggled ignorantly in my mania, a loving sister in Christ took me aside after choir practice one evening and sat with me in the dark church lobby. “My daughter went through a rough time like you are. I have too. Your mind is like a house, with the wallpaper just scattered and you have to cover your mind with scripture, wall to wall.” I agreed wholeheartedly, even though I didn’t know my mind needed a healthy dose of medication, in addition to sound scripture.

Church as a Source of Sanity

The church has usually (and pretty much always) been there for me. As a member, there is a sense of belonging, co-responsibility and accountability. My husband and I have enjoyed belonging to the church, and in multiple ways, it has kept me sane. Identifying as a member has given me purpose and fulfillment.

There are days that it seems to be a sacrifice or a giving more than a receiving, but after all, it ends up being more blessed to give. This keeps me from going crazy in the sense that I get burnt out on doing things my way, every day of the week. It realigns my direction and will to the One who offers to help guide me into the best pathways of life.

To be challenged to examine my heart, to help me gain wisdom and understanding, to hear soul-quenching messages in a sermon, and to be encouraged to keep fighting the good fight and never waiver in my faith.

These are all reasons why I stay connected to church. These are all ways the church keeps me sane. It stokes my faith, it keeps the flames of my heart on fire for Jesus. He tends to His flock through the pastor and other sheep of His fold.

The Church Without Christ is Nothing

There is power in numbers, then there is power in the One. The One that goes out to seek and find the one that loses its way, among the 99. I was lost, but then I was found. And I was found by the only One who can save. Precious Jesus. What a mighty Comforter the church serves. I owe Him everything.


2 responses to “How Church Keeps Me Sane”

  1. Student Avatar

    I’m wondering if you ever felt “judged” by people in church, and if you did, how did you get past that? Thanks!

    1. Katie Avatar

      I’ve definitely felt judged by people in church. I really don’t take any more offense to it than in any other setting, realizing people are people. I think I get past it knowing that what they think of me can be their opinion, but my worth doesn’t come from what someone thinks of me. Reminding myself that I’m righteous through faith in Jesus and that I am not perfect (and neither are they) is helpful in moving past other’s judgment. I hope that helps. Thanks for your comment!

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