Category: writer
Why I’m Self-Publishing, Not Traditionally Publishing
A Short Reflection on My Choice to Self-Publish I used to think it was traditional publishing or nothing. It was a dream for me to have an agent and find a traditional publisher. For those with the time, potential readership, patience, endurance, “right” genre and message, extreme talent, following, and…
Update On My Memoir
It’s been fairly busy for me, between work and play. I received the edits on my memoir last Friday! I’ve been ecstatic to get them back from the editor because there’s so much good stuff he included. He put together a 6-page “author instructions” for how to read the edits…
An Interview With “The Bipolar Writer” J.E. Skye
I’ve been following an up and coming blogger and was intrigued with the productivity and results of his work in the few months he’s been online. I was inspired and had to interview this guy – he’s a bipolar and calls himself “The Bipolar Writer.” Who is he? Let’s find…
Writing The Fear Away (And An Excerpt From My Memoir)
I guess I’m afraid, since writing experts attribute procrastination to fear. In my case it’s due to multiple factors: -not enough reading (you must be a good reader to be a good writer, they say) -not enough life experience (see quote by Tim Kreider below) -what I write sounds silly when…
Pregnant With A Story: I’m Expecting!
Ah, did I catch you off guard? Let me do it again: I’m expecting a BOOK. Not a baby. Yet. I will have you know that as I work toward the publication of my memoir, I have just completed the first draft of the manuscript. The tentative working title I…
Blessed To Be Bipolar
There’s a stigma around being bipolar and I totally get that. I am sometimes afraid to tell people I have it because one, they don’t need to know, and two, you put yourself out there in the questionable zone. People may think “What is that?” or “Watch out, she’s got…