Category: suicide

  • One Family’s Recovery from a Suicide Attempt

    One Family’s Recovery from a Suicide Attempt

    Chris Morris is a fellow Christian familiar with the realities of mental illness and psychiatric hospitalizations and reached out to me to collaborate. He guest posts today about his experience of returning home from the psych ward after a failed suicide attempt. I’m honored to have him post about this…

  • Suicide Prevention Tools & Tips

    Suicide Prevention Tools & Tips

    Do you or someone you know struggle with suicidal ideations? It’s okay to ask. In fact, according to the professionals, discussing suicidal intent or ideations doesn’t heighten the risk of suicide. For guidance on what to ask and how to assist someone having suicidal ideations and intent, here are a…

  • Fresh Thought Friday: Suicide And The Bible

    Fresh Thought Friday: Suicide And The Bible

    Hi Katie, I have a friend who’s been contemplating suicide, and as a Christian I’m not really sure what to believe. Will my friend go to hell for committing suicide if she’s a Christian? I thought she was saved, but is she still going to Heaven if she does this?…

  • 3 Suicide Prevention Tips

    3 Suicide Prevention Tips

    The US Air Force emphasizes a healthy airman-to-airman support system. They have taught this in the form of acronym ACE for years now, distributing playing cards with an ace symbol on it and the definition of the acronym. It’s part of what they call, “being a good wingman.” Regardless whether…

  • 13 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Give Up Hope

    13 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Give Up Hope

    That seemingly elusive word “hope” conjures mixed feelings in me. I feel like sometimes I had none, while most of the time I wish I had more. And to refute all the messages coming at someone who thinks they would be better off giving up on life, let me give…

  • Why Suicide Really Is Selfish

    Why Suicide Really Is Selfish

    When I was battling clinical bipolar depression at 16, I was very close to the edge of attempting suicide. How I Know My Desire to Kill Myself Was Selfish When it’s touted that suicide or suicidal thinking is a symptom of mental illness, you can quickly come to the conclusion…