Category: Q&A

  • Fresh Thought Friday: Joy and Peace and Bipolar Medicine

    Fresh Thought Friday: Joy and Peace and Bipolar Medicine

    Dear Katie, Do you ever struggle with feeling joy and peace? I have. I think some of it may be the medication I’m on but I believe some could be the bipolar illness. I was just wondering how others experience numbing of emotions, etc. -Peace Seeker     Dear Peace…

  • Fresh Thought Friday: Suicide And The Bible

    Fresh Thought Friday: Suicide And The Bible

    Hi Katie, I have a friend who’s been contemplating suicide, and as a Christian I’m not really sure what to believe. Will my friend go to hell for committing suicide if she’s a Christian? I thought she was saved, but is she still going to Heaven if she does this?…

  • Fresh Thought Friday: Feelings vs. Faith

    Fresh Thought Friday: Feelings vs. Faith

    Dear Katie, I have been on a long journey for about a year now after I had a total mental breakdown last October. I was originally diagnosed with major depression but I ended up having more bipolar-type symptoms. I too have been thinking about what having this disorder means for…

  • Fresh Thought Friday: Seeing A New Dr.

    Fresh Thought Friday: Seeing A New Dr.

    Dear Katie, I’m about to see a psychiatrist for the first time, and I don’t know what to expect. What questions should I ask at my first appointment? -Precautious Patient   Dear Precautious, That’s a great question. Before you ask them anything, I would begin by giving them the background…

  • Fresh Thought Friday: Church Resources

    Fresh Thought Friday: Church Resources

    Dear Katie: Sometimes those struggling with mental illnesses come to me and my staff for help, but we don’t have resources to direct them to. What can we do as pastors and church leadership to appropriately help these emotionally and mentally unstable members of our church? Where would we begin?…

  • Fresh Thought Friday: What To Expect In The Ward

    Fresh Thought Friday: What To Expect In The Ward

    Dear Katie: I’m having trouble with obtaining medication and my reality is way off. If I admit myself into the hospital, what would the stay be like? What can I expect and how long might I be there for? And how would I pay for it? -Terrified & Troubled  …

  • Fresh Thought Friday: Embarrassing Impulses

    Fresh Thought Friday: Embarrassing Impulses

    Dear Katie: I have bipolar disorder and have been struggling a lot lately with being overly outspoken and putting my foot in my mouth. I’m currently a college student and I’ve definitely embarrassed myself on more than one occasion for volunteering things that didn’t need to be said. Is this…

  • New: Fresh Thought Fridays

    New: Fresh Thought Fridays

    I’ve been contemplating what else I could offer on my blog for Fridays. And then I got the idea: Dear Abby but for bipolars! So I’m challenging you: send me your craziest, weirdest, most serious (or not so serious) questions in regards to bipolar disorder, living with mental illness, recovery…