Category: psych visit

  • Why Psych Treatment Should Be Community Based

    Why Psych Treatment Should Be Community Based

    The Hospital Setting Psychiatric hospitals are notorious for lack of funding and quality treatment of the patients. I spent time at both a juvenile and adult ward, and they aren’t any fun, especially when you’re in the frame of mind you’re in. Just in the nature of their structure, putting…

  • Fresh Thought Friday: Seeing A New Dr.

    Fresh Thought Friday: Seeing A New Dr.

    Dear Katie, I’m about to see a psychiatrist for the first time, and I don’t know what to expect. What questions should I ask at my first appointment? -Precautious Patient   Dear Precautious, That’s a great question. Before you ask them anything, I would begin by giving them the background…

  • You Might Need To Be Admitted If…

    You Might Need To Be Admitted If…

    If I were your friend, which I hope you entrust me to be at least a virtual acquaintance by means of blogging, I would point out some very serious symptoms that if I were you would consider checking into the psych ward or nearest behavioral hospital for. You may know…