Category: parenting
The Struggle is Real: Giving Thanks in All Things
It’s hard to give thanks. Thankfulness is not for the faint of heart, especially when things don’t go your way. At the moment I’m thankful for the small things, like getting ambitions accomplished while my little one sleeps. Guys, this mom/parenting thing is no joke. I feel like I’ve hit…
Parents at the Appointment: Tips for Navigating Your Child’s Mental Healthcare
The following is an excerpt from my friend and fellow mental health advocate Kirsten Panachyda’s new book Among Lions, available for sale now at Amazon. As a parent with children with mental health issues, she has taken her tests through those times and turned them into a testimony and guide: The…
Moods & Maternity
Moodiness comes with maternity, that’s a given. Add to that a layer of a mood disorder diagnosis, and you better brace yourself. In my experience, the last two years (being pregnant twice for 21 months except two in between), have been such complicated times in terms of emotions. Not to…
Pregnancy & Parenting Thoughts
Among the busy-ness of life, I’m burned out. Not to mention…pregnant! For someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you may be wondering how safe it would be to get pregnant with a Severe Mental Illness. I consulted with my last psychiatrist and current psychiatrist and maternal prenatal doctor, and based on…