Category: family

  • The Struggle is Real: Giving Thanks in All Things

    The Struggle is Real: Giving Thanks in All Things

    It’s hard to give thanks. Thankfulness is not for the faint of heart, especially when things don’t go your way. At the moment I’m thankful for the small things, like getting ambitions accomplished while my little one sleeps. Guys, this mom/parenting thing is no joke. I feel like I’ve hit…

  • One Family’s Recovery from a Suicide Attempt

    One Family’s Recovery from a Suicide Attempt

    Chris Morris is a fellow Christian familiar with the realities of mental illness and psychiatric hospitalizations and reached out to me to collaborate. He guest posts today about his experience of returning home from the psych ward after a failed suicide attempt. I’m honored to have him post about this…

  • Parents at the Appointment: Tips for Navigating Your Child’s Mental Healthcare

    Parents at the Appointment: Tips for Navigating Your Child’s Mental Healthcare

    The following is an excerpt from my friend and fellow mental health advocate Kirsten Panachyda’s new book Among Lions, available for sale now at Amazon. As a parent with children with mental health issues, she has taken her tests through those times and turned them into a testimony and guide: The…

  • Always Look For the Rainbow

    Always Look For the Rainbow

    In honor of sharing in the month of October to remember the babies that are lost through miscarriage, SIDS and stillbirth and infant loss awareness, I want to share our story of our firstborn son, Jaxon, with you all. *** When they placed Jaxon on my chest, I knew my…

  • Update Blog Post for August 2020

    Update Blog Post for August 2020

    Hi all – it’s been a minute since I found the time and motivation and maybe even courage to post anything. I think between Jaxon’s funeral, returning to casework, and moving out of the house this week, I’ve been stretched thin. Too thin to blog regularly, for sure. So here’s…

  • You Can’t Change Your Loved One with Mental Illness, But Here’s What You CAN Do

    You Can’t Change Your Loved One with Mental Illness, But Here’s What You CAN Do

    Living with our loved ones can be a battle, let alone the loved ones with mental illness. We tend to want to change others’ behaviors, but we cannot. We can only control our behaviors and set healthy boundaries to encourage better behaviors. Here are a few ideas of what you…

  • Lessons Learned in the Loss of Our Son

    Lessons Learned in the Loss of Our Son

    The past two weeks have come and gone and I’m left changed forever. I’ve learned some large lessons in life in seeing my baby boy Jaxon come into the world and leave in eight days. The love I have for my son and his brief time with my husband and…

  • 20 Mental Health Gifts Under $20

    20 Mental Health Gifts Under $20

    Here’s a list of some great gift ideas for you or a loved one who struggles with anxiety, depression, or just wants to handle their feelings in general! And don’t sweat it if you don’t have the cash to cover a gift – most of these things are FREE or…

  • What To Do For A Loved One In Psychosis

    What To Do For A Loved One In Psychosis

    In bipolar disorder, as in schizophrenia, psychosis can be a very frightening experience. If the psychosis is left untreated, it may become full blown and even harder to manage. Here I give some advice on what to do to help your loved one through a psychotic episode. In psychosis, those…

  • An Interview With My Husband, Chris Dale

    An Interview With My Husband, Chris Dale

    We’ve been together 9 years, 8 years married. I want to introduce you to my best friend (after Jesus) and love of my life, Mr. Awesome, Mr. Christopher Dale! He graciously agreed to be interviewed and so here is the tell-all story behind my better half, my mental health advocate,…