Category: depression
4 Common Reasons Why You’re Depressed (and How to Feel Better)
Contrary to popular belief, suicide rates spike in the light of Spring, not the darkness of Winter. Did You Know That Depression in the United States… Affects over 18 million adults (one in ten) in any given year. Is the leading cause of disability for ages 15-44. Is the primary…
Joy To The Depressed
Are you or someone you know taking on a George Bailey mentality? Better that you’d never been born? “Joy to the World?” You scoff at the thought. I can’t find joy, it’s out of reach. Perhaps you are suffering, broken and feeling forgotten about. You aren’t looking for hope, you don’t…
8 Things To Do For Someone With Bipolar Depression
So you were wondering what can you say around someone with Bipolar Depression? I already gave you 6 things to avoid around a depressed loved one, here are 8 things you can do to help ease the situation. Be respectful. “I don’t know exactly what you’re going through, but I would like to…
6 Things Not To Do Around A Depressed Person
Have you found someone you know is depressed and is exhibiting symptoms of Bipolar Depression? This is a tough situation to be around. Here are some suggestions of what things to avoid doing while you’re around them. Telling them to smile. It can be a well-meant suggestion, but this doesn’t…