Category: church

  • Five Ways the Church Can Do More Than Pray for People Who Suffer from Mental Illness

    Five Ways the Church Can Do More Than Pray for People Who Suffer from Mental Illness

    Today’s post was written by a friend I made through Hope Made Strong’s Church Mental Health group. Corine graciously exchanged posts with me to share on each other’s blogs. You can check out the post I wrote for her site here. I’m so thankful for her sharing this practical…

  • History Unfolding: Are You Praying for the Enemy Too?

    History Unfolding: Are You Praying for the Enemy Too?

    I can’t continue to blog and write about my typical material, knowing the extent of the suffering and persecution going on in Afghanistan these days. Although I usually blog and write about mental health and faith, my scope of themes has broadened since changing the name of the blog/site from…

  • Coming Soon: Church Mental Health Summit October 10th

    Coming Soon: Church Mental Health Summit October 10th

    Hi BipolarBrave friends — In case you missed my last newsletter, I want to make sure you know the news about the Church Mental Health Summit taking place online October 10th, 2020. Laura Howe, of Hope Made Strong, has invited a diverse and serious line up of industry experts to…

  • 18 Resources that Shed Light on Mental Illness in the Church

    18 Resources that Shed Light on Mental Illness in the Church

    You can never have enough help to navigate the mental health system, especially from a Christian perspective. In the following list, I’ve curated 18 reliable faith-based resources that shed light on mental illness in the church. Podcasts Focus On The Family interview with Ed Stetzer, Kay Warren, Jared Pingelton Listen…

  • Misconceptions Your Church May Have About Depression

    Misconceptions Your Church May Have About Depression

    Why would God want you to take antidepressants?  If mental illness is real, it would be in the Bible. You should pray your way out of the depression and anxiety. Don’t rely on medication. God is testing you. You must have faith. Suffering is part of being a Christian. There…

  • The Elephant in the Sanctuary

    The Elephant in the Sanctuary

    I facilitated a panel discussion at my home church in Kingsville, MO last month between pastors and mental health professionals. The insights shared and answers we learned were AMAZING. I would encourage you to check out the YouTube videos of the recordings of the sections of the discussion. 

  • How Church Keeps Me Sane

    How Church Keeps Me Sane

    Sundays are Special When I recognized that Sundays were the days we attended church, I also keyed into the weather and found the sun had a way of shining brighter on those days. So it seemed. Maybe it was that it was the Lord’s day, and on those days I…

  • Sarah Robinson Guest Posts: This Is How To Break The Ice On Mental Illness In The Church

    Sarah Robinson Guest Posts: This Is How To Break The Ice On Mental Illness In The Church

    I read Sarah’s recent article in Relevant Magazine and reached out to her to collaborate, and she graciously obliged. My next post will be a link to my piece on her blog about how to serve others who have mental illness in the church. We were crammed like sardines into…

  • Signs and Wonders: Severe Mental Illness and The Prosperity Gospel

    Signs and Wonders: Severe Mental Illness and The Prosperity Gospel

    “God has already placed His healing power within us, and it is now under our authority. It isn’t up to God to determine who receives healing; it’s up to us!“ Ever hear something like that statement before?   What about: “It’s our failure to understand and use the authority we…

  • The Church’s Best Response To Mental Illness

    The Church’s Best Response To Mental Illness

    Mental illness can be so gray. Thinking about it, there’s a mental disorder diagnosis for almost everything and anything. Of course, not everyone has a clinical, diagnosable condition. With mental illness being so rampant and the church’s response being so silent, here are a few pointers I want to bring…