Category: blog

  • A Fresh Look & Some Fresh News For

    A Fresh Look & Some Fresh News For

    There’s nothing like trying on a new outfit that looks great on you. The clean scent of the material, and the notion that you and no one else have ever seen this get up before is an exciting feeling. That’s how I feel about my blog this morning. I am…

  • Why Do I Call It BipolarBrave?

    Why Do I Call It BipolarBrave?

    I was going to write down what I meant by BipolarBrave, but I’ve come to a place where I’m questioning that. I was going to say it’s brave to talk about it, and brave to have gone through bipolar disorder episodes. That’s the initial thoughts I’ve had. And then there’s…

  • Fresh Thought Friday: How To Start A Blog

    Fresh Thought Friday: How To Start A Blog

    Dear Katie, I was wondering how difficult it is to get started on my own blog. I’ve had some long term ongoing mental health stuff. I’ve considered doing something similar for awhile, I’m just not sure how to begin. Thanks. -Prospective Blogger   Dear Prospective Blogger, The blog I’ve started…

  • A Year In Review A Year In Review

    I’ve officially had for a year now and what a year it has been. In honor of the greatest year I’ve had on this blog, I’m featuring the Top Ten Most Popular Blog Posts from the last year of blogging. I hope you enjoy: An Interview with Carol Kivler,…

  • New: Fresh Thought Fridays

    New: Fresh Thought Fridays

    I’ve been contemplating what else I could offer on my blog for Fridays. And then I got the idea: Dear Abby but for bipolars! So I’m challenging you: send me your craziest, weirdest, most serious (or not so serious) questions in regards to bipolar disorder, living with mental illness, recovery…

  • Freebie Friday: Gameplan Ebook

    Freebie Friday: Gameplan Ebook

    So as promised, you can download my FREE Gameplan: A Mental Health Resource Guide, by signing up for my newsletters! If you ignored my pop-up, try this link or refresh your browser. Signing up to receive my newsletter will enable you to get an automatic email with the link to…

  • BipolarBrave: An Introduction

    BipolarBrave: An Introduction

    Bipolar Disorder came knocking when I was sixteen. As I experienced the surge of depression and misery, there wasn’t any diagnosis of this mood swing. Unfortunately, I had been in an upswing of mania by the time I identified my symptoms and began treatment. When I finally checked in to…