Category: BipolarBrave
Not Crazy, Creative
In last month’s post, I briefly compiled a list of 9 self-care activities in 3 parts, here, here and here, that keep me from going back into a bipolar episode. In this post I’m digging deeper into the activity of creativity. The definition of crazy, as you probably already know:…
How Exercise Keeps Me Sane
It may seem boring to those who don’t run, but every morning I rise to the challenge of a run, it keeps my moods in check and my brain stimulated.
How A Daily Schedule Keeps Me Sane
It’s already 2:15 PM and I’m supposed to be cranking this post out today. I can tell you, I may not have gotten it done without my handy dandy schedule. It’s imperative that I keep a daily schedule planner to feel productive, get things done, and stay sane. Time is…
How My Quiet Time Keeps Me Sane
These days, the first thing I do when I wake up is pray and read my Bible, right?…not. If you do, props to you! Even though my little sign above my Keurig reads, “But first Jesus, then coffee,” I’ll let you in on a secret: I do my coffee first.…
How My Sleep Keeps Me Sane
I shared with you how my favorite self-care activities help keep me from sliding back into a bipolar episode, aside from managing my medication. I want to start to share with you on a deeper level how each of those keep me sane, starting with healthy sleep hygiene.
My Favorite Self-Care Activities: Part 1 of 3
To keep a well-rounded life and good routine going for maintaining my stability with bipolar, I implement a variety of self-care activities. In this 3-post series I will start with the first 3 self-care activities that help keep me from sliding back into an episode. Getting enough sleep. This may…
What To Do For A Loved One In Psychosis
In bipolar disorder, as in schizophrenia, psychosis can be a very frightening experience. If the psychosis is left untreated, it may become full blown and even harder to manage. Here I give some advice on what to do to help your loved one through a psychotic episode. In psychosis, those…