Category: BipolarBrave
3 Irrational Fears and How I Need to Face Them
Fear is a funny thing. It can drive us away from something, or can drive us to do something. In my life, fear has taken many forms and caused a variety of behaviors, but the three more common fears that I face are being rejected, being vulnerable, and being judged.…
Faith It Till You Make It: And Other Tips To Improve Your Resiliency
Resiliency is not an automatic characteristic. Like any strength, it improves with practice. Exercise puts stress on the body – good stress. When I trained for a half marathon, I had to work my way up to the 13.1 miles the race called for. It took time and effort, and…
Elaine Creasman Guest Posts: Never Alone in Our Pain
Elaine is an author and inspirational speaker, founder of the Suncoast (Florida) Christian Writers Group, and kindred spirit. I met Elaine at this year’s Florida Christian Writers Conference and was delighted to hear her take on mental health in the church. Here is a guest post from her, articulating the…
Breakdown: An Interview with Author and L.I.C.S.W. Lynn Nanos
Lynn Nanos recently debuted her book Breakdown: A Clinician’s Experience in a Broken System of Emergency Psychiatry. From her site, “Breakdown opens a dialogue with anyone interested in improving the system of care for the seriously mentally ill population. Using vignettes based on real interactions with patients, their families, police officers,…
Why The Faith & Mental Health Debate Isn’t As Black & White As You Think
At one point I believed I just needed more faith for God to heal me of my bipolar disorder. Blanket statements sound good on the surface but are notorious for glossing over the smaller truths of the matter. I would like to point out that after stepping off the ledge…
Sarah Robinson Guest Posts: This Is How To Break The Ice On Mental Illness In The Church
I read Sarah’s recent article in Relevant Magazine and reached out to her to collaborate, and she graciously obliged. My next post will be a link to my piece on her blog about how to serve others who have mental illness in the church. We were crammed like sardines into…
My Stays In The Juvenile and Adult Psych Wards
The Juvenile Psych Ward Life wasn’t so sweet to me at sixteen. It was rather sour, actually. I landed in a juvenile psych ward after switching antidepressants, while ignorant to the fact that I had bipolar disorder, causing me to enter psychosis without warning. I never knew such a place existed…
Update On My Memoir
It’s been fairly busy for me, between work and play. I received the edits on my memoir last Friday! I’ve been ecstatic to get them back from the editor because there’s so much good stuff he included. He put together a 6-page “author instructions” for how to read the edits…
Signs and Wonders: Severe Mental Illness and The Prosperity Gospel
“God has already placed His healing power within us, and it is now under our authority. It isn’t up to God to determine who receives healing; it’s up to us!“ Ever hear something like that statement before? What about: “It’s our failure to understand and use the authority we…