Category: bipolar disorder
What Bipolar Disorder Is NOT
Bipolar disorder manifests itself differently among those whom it inhabits. There are common denominators amongst those with the diagnosis, but because each person is unique in their genetic makeup, personality, and how they react to life, there are factors that vary the manifestation of the disorder. Bipolar disorder is a…
Fresh Thought Friday: Embarrassing Impulses
Dear Katie: I have bipolar disorder and have been struggling a lot lately with being overly outspoken and putting my foot in my mouth. I’m currently a college student and I’ve definitely embarrassed myself on more than one occasion for volunteering things that didn’t need to be said. Is this…
So You Just Found Out You’re Bipolar
There are probably a variety of emotions one can experience when they first learn of their diagnosis of bipolar. They can range from confusion to anger, frustration to relief. It’s likely you’re going to experience those and in multiples. I wouldn’t say my revelation that I had bipolar was a…
Finding A Job With Bipolar Disorder
It’s one thing to find a job and have bipolar disorder…it’s another thing to find a job when people know you have bipolar. As I look for work these days in a new town, I find my time has been structured enough that I’m not bored to tears, but I…
Reclaiming Your Sanity After Losing It
Take a moment to picture your willingness to believe the most prominent Faith-Word authorities and hope against all doubt that if you truly believe it, you will be healed. Give yourself the chance to believe. Just try and see. Now you’re off your medications for mental illness and your world subtly…
10 Healthy Ways to Manage Bipolar Disorder
Get in touch with your doctor. Find a good psychiatrist (by referral if possible). If you are comfortable with them, be honest with them. Tell them how you feel and when you feel low or what triggers you to climb upward. There is nothing wrong with being transparent about your…
16 Real-life Confessions About My Bipolar Disorder
I never heard of bipolar disorder until I was 15. I discovered symptoms of the illness in myself at 16. My bipolar disorder diagnosis is not a job disability. I have no immediate family members with bipolar. My bipolar doesn’t affect me day-to-day (though I often think about it). But it…
My So-Called Life With Bipolar
The way those with bipolar disorder live their lives seems to be a tough hand. In most mental illness forums I’m a part of, many are complaining of one thing or another surrounding the disorder. I don’t mean to sound proud but I scratch my head. Am I missing something? Am…