Category: advice

  • Guest Post: "How The Crisis In Mental Health Care Came To Be" by John F Baggett

    Guest Post: "How The Crisis In Mental Health Care Came To Be" by John F Baggett

    Part II: Lessons From History – How the Crisis in Mental Health Care Came to Be By John F. Baggett Ph.D   In Part I of this three part series I described the current sad state of affairs in Mental Health Care. In this post, I will discuss how the…

  • Guest Post: "The Current Sad State of Affairs in Mental Health Care" By John F Baggett

    Guest Post: "The Current Sad State of Affairs in Mental Health Care" By John F Baggett

     A Call to Advocacy Part One of a Three Part Series On December 15, 2016, A Palm Beach Florida newspaper, The Sun Sentinel, printed a feature story titled, Dying for help: Families struggle with severely mentally ill relatives, then become victims of their violence. Florida’s health care system is too…

  • 8 Things To Do For Someone In Mania

    8 Things To Do For Someone In Mania

    What do you do when someone is manic? If you’ve seen the “not to do” list for one in mania, you’re likely wondering what’s appropriate to say around someone in that mode. Here are 8 things you can say or do when in the battlefield of Mania (or as my…

  • 8 Things To Do For Someone With Bipolar Depression

    So you were wondering what can you say around someone with Bipolar Depression? I already gave you 6 things to avoid around a depressed loved one, here are 8 things you can do to help ease the situation. Be respectful.  “I don’t know exactly what you’re going through, but I would like to…

  • 6 Things Not To Do Around A Depressed Person

    6 Things Not To Do Around A Depressed Person

    Have you found someone you know is depressed and is exhibiting symptoms of Bipolar Depression? This is a tough situation to be around. Here are some suggestions of what things to avoid doing while you’re around them. Telling them to smile. It can be a well-meant suggestion, but this doesn’t…

  • 6 Things Not To Do Around A Manic Person

    6 Things Not To Do Around A Manic Person

    Here are six things I would have had knee-jerk reaction to had someone said them to me while I was in mania. They would have added fuel to the fire and made things escalate. Asking “Why don’t you use your medication?” This is a huge thing to say to someone off…