Category: advice
Fresh Thought Friday: What To Expect In The Ward
Dear Katie: I’m having trouble with obtaining medication and my reality is way off. If I admit myself into the hospital, what would the stay be like? What can I expect and how long might I be there for? And how would I pay for it? -Terrified & Troubled …
3 Suicide Prevention Tips
The US Air Force emphasizes a healthy airman-to-airman support system. They have taught this in the form of acronym ACE for years now, distributing playing cards with an ace symbol on it and the definition of the acronym. It’s part of what they call, “being a good wingman.” Regardless whether…
Fresh Thought Friday: Embarrassing Impulses
Dear Katie: I have bipolar disorder and have been struggling a lot lately with being overly outspoken and putting my foot in my mouth. I’m currently a college student and I’ve definitely embarrassed myself on more than one occasion for volunteering things that didn’t need to be said. Is this…
New: Fresh Thought Fridays
I’ve been contemplating what else I could offer on my blog for Fridays. And then I got the idea: Dear Abby but for bipolars! So I’m challenging you: send me your craziest, weirdest, most serious (or not so serious) questions in regards to bipolar disorder, living with mental illness, recovery…
So You Just Found Out You’re Bipolar
There are probably a variety of emotions one can experience when they first learn of their diagnosis of bipolar. They can range from confusion to anger, frustration to relief. It’s likely you’re going to experience those and in multiples. I wouldn’t say my revelation that I had bipolar was a…
Finding A Job With Bipolar Disorder
It’s one thing to find a job and have bipolar disorder…it’s another thing to find a job when people know you have bipolar. As I look for work these days in a new town, I find my time has been structured enough that I’m not bored to tears, but I…
God Never Gives You More Than You Can Handle, So You Say?
I used to think I had to fight my spiritual battles. I would find an opportunity to slip an intentional God comment into a conversation…like that would determine if I won the “battle” for someone’s soul or not. I realize now though, that’s not how you fight a spiritual battle.…
What NOT To Do When You Are Losing Your Mind (half-joking)
I would like to premise this post with the fact that the following tips are inspired by things that I did while I actually lost my mind, so they are unique to my situation, but I hope you can see the humor in these little “Don’ts” – I’ve gotta have…
Show Me Your Cares and I’ll Show You A God Who Cares
I realize not everyone reading this believes there’s a God, let alone a God who is intricately obsessed with every part of our being. So if you’re doubting the premise of this post, which is the fact that God cares about you, open your mind to the possibility that a…