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BipolarBrave Awards Exclusive Interview: Tony Roberts

This is the first of a series of interview posts for the month of May, celebrating and raising awareness for mental health. The series will showcase those who won or placed in the annual BipolarBrave Mental Health and Faith Awards I host each year through the BipolarBrave blog.

Influencer, Tony Roberts, earned third place in the BipolarBrave awards this year. His podcast, Revealing Voices, also tied for third in the broadcast category. I have had the delight and honor of working with Tony in the past, being a guest on Revealing Voices, serving on the Delight in Disorder Ministries board, and helping him edit, compile, and design the Hope for Troubled Minds anthology published this past fall 2023.
3rd place broadcast bipolarbrave award 2024 image 3rd place bipolarbrave influencer award 2024 image
Today, Tony serves as the Chief Shepherd of Delight in Disorder Ministries, spreading the good news of God’s love and his love toward “the least of these” with brain illnesses and their loved ones. He has written and published two memoirs, Delight in Disorder, and When Despair Meets Delight, is a member of the National Shattering Silence Coalition, and has been a guest speaker for conferences such as Thrive and Cultivate Summit, Disability and the Church Conference, Church and Mental Health Summit, and others.
I am pleased to know Tony and proud to call him friend, and also The Mental Health Minister (my nickname for him). Tony graciously agreed to let me interview him for the BipolarBrave blog to speak to his accomplishments and efforts in the faith and mental health movement. I’m grateful for him and the work he has faithfully followed the Lord in over the years.

Tony RobertsWhy did you start your ministry?

I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1995 while serving in pastoral ministry. God led me to share my story and I was warmly received by many. The church grew in numbers and spirit. We witnessed signs of healing and reconciliation.

In a few sentences, share your ministry’s measurable achievements.

People are finding hope and healing through the information and inspiration we share. Hope for Troubled Minds came together through a 800+ member Facebook group. Members shared their stories of hope and resiliency in the face of personal and loved one’s battles with Serious Mental Illness. I have just completed a book tour in Indiana and Kentucky at churches and organizations that have supported me in the past. It went very well. The proceeds of the sales of that book are going toward the Treatment Advocacy Center, National Alliance for Mental Illness, and Delight in Disorder Ministries. I’ve been blessed to be able to share these stories and see the fruits of my dream realized. We are spreading hope and healing through and the podcast which has passed a total of 7,397 downloads through its 7 seasons.

What are your future plans for your ministry? Anything noteworthy to give us a heads-up about?

We intend to record an Audible version of Hope for Troubled Minds and continue book tours for it. We are exploring conducting a Writing as Therapy course.

Where do we find out more about your ministry and how can we support you?

We’re at You can support us by buying your copy of Hope for Troubled Minds or making a tax-deductible gift of any amount to help us cast the vision of our ministry.


One response to “BipolarBrave Awards Exclusive Interview: Tony Roberts”

  1. […] Tony was interviewed by Katie Dale after the announcement. Read the exclusive interview on her blog: BipolarBrave Awards Exclusive Interview: Tony Roberts […]

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