This is one of a series of BipolarBrave Awards exclusive interview posts for the month of May, celebrating those raising awareness for mental health. The series will showcase those who won or placed in the annual BipolarBrave Mental Health and Faith Awards I host each year through the BipolarBrave blog.

Today, Maree Dee writes biweekly on her website and has been a guest on various sites. She has been a guest speaker for conferences such as Thrive and Cultivate Summit, Church and Mental Health Summit, and others. On Fridays, she co-hosts a blog linkup, Grace & Truth, and she would love to have you participate. She is published in the books—Extinguishing the Spirit of Fear, Prayer: Approaching the Throne of Grace, and Perseverance: 30 Devotions for Faith that Moves Mountains.
In addition to writing, Maree Dee is the Founder of Embracing Faith & Mental Illness and Co-founder, leader, and speaker at Circles of Hope, a mental health ministry. Maree is a devoted and experienced advocate for families with mental health challenges. She knows firsthand the pain of watching family members struggle with mental illness and the helpless feelings that can leave caregivers lost and without hope. Maree strives to educate, support, and teach life-changing skills in a faith-based environment.
Maree graciously agreed to let me interview her for the BipolarBrave blog to speak to her accomplishments and efforts in the faith and mental health movement. I’m grateful for her and the work she has faithfully followed the Lord in over the years.
Why did you start your ministry?
When our children first began struggling with a mental illness, we were clueless; the pain was intense, and we had no idea where to turn. My husband and I looked at each other and knew we couldn’t let our pain go to waste, and we had to help others coming behind us. So, I started by teaching NAMI and NEABPD courses, which were excellent, but I quickly realized that something was missing – they didn’t incorporate my faith. I wouldn’t be here today without Jesus, who gives me strength and guides me through the darkest days. These classes led to co-founding
Circles of Hope: Mental Health Support at our church and eventually
Embracing Faith & Mental Illness. In this online ministry, we currently focus solely on supporting the caregivers.
In a few sentences, share your ministry’s measurable achievements.
We are proud to have a community of approximately 1400 in our Embracing Faith & Mental Illness community, a division of Embracing the Unexpected. Our members receive two monthly newsletters with valuable resources, tips, tools, and more. We also host quarterly talks that aim to educate, support, and teach life-changing skills and a monthly support group called “Real Talk, Real Support.” However, my favorite aspect is our
Private Facebook group, where members can connect with others who understand.
What are your future plans for your ministry? Anything noteworthy to give us a heads-up about?
Yes, I’m working on a book highlighting the importance of acknowledging all types of loss, even the ones that often go unnoticed by others. Additionally, I want to expand and offer more talks and support groups through Embracing Faith & Mental Illness. I hope to bring on a team of volunteers to help us achieve these goals.
Where do we find out more about your ministry and how can we support you?
What do you think?