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BipolarBrave Awards Exclusive Interview: Lauren Roskilly

This is one of a series of BipolarBrave Awards exclusive interview posts for May, celebrating those raising awareness for mental health. The series will showcase those who won or placed in the annual BipolarBrave Mental Health and Faith Awards I host through the BipolarBrave blog.

Lauren Roskilly’s ministry of Mindful of Christ placed second in the broadcast category in the BipolarBrave awards this year.  I have run in some of the same circles as Lauren like online advocacy groups for Christian thought leaders in the faith and mental health movement.
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Lauren is an author, coach & speaker who helps people to improve their mental health and wellbeing. She does this primarily through the tools and techniques of Christian Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBCBT).

Individuals, churches, and organizations across the globe all benefit from her services, talks, courses, and books. 

Lauren is a mum of two beautiful children. Lauren became a born-again Christian in 2004. She has a BA Hons in ‘Health and social care’, a diploma in ‘CBT’, and is an accredited life coach, amongst others. 

She is transparent about her past, dealing with poor mental health, including; depression, anxiety and self-harm. But God helped her deal with these and she learned to transform her thinking and refocus her mind towards Christ. 

In 2019, Lauren founded ‘Mindful of Christ’. You will discover valuable blog posts, books, resources, and available services on the website. 

In 2023 the YouTube Channel won the ‘BipolarBrave Mental Health & Faith Award’. She is a 3-times bestselling author of Christian-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Indestructible Faith and Breaking Chains, and co-author of Worship in the Wilderness.

 She also offers self-publishing services, helping new authors write, get published, launch, and market their books. 

Lauren graciously let me interview her for the BipolarBrave blog to speak to her accomplishments and efforts in the faith and mental health movement. I’m grateful for her and the work she has faithfully followed the Lord in over the years.

Why did you start your ministry?

Because the Lord instructed. Initially, He asked me to start a blog about faith & mental health — I didn’t even know what a blog was at first! Then He asked & guided the first book ‘Christian Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.’ From this, He led me to work one-on-one with people, which turned out to be coaching & then interviews & speaking gigs began, one of the first few was live on TV, which was terrifying! But I have become used to it now and just let the Holy Spirit guide the conversations.

In a few sentences, share your ministry’s measurable achievements.

  • Winning your Bipolar Brave award for 2 years running for our Youtube channel.
  • Having 2 Bestselling books in the UK and the US: Christian Based CBT & Breaking Chains.
  • Amazing results from clients breaking free from anxiety and depression and realizing their identity, worth and purpose for their lives.
  • Helping clients to publish and launch their books and also hitting the Bestseller status.
  • Hosting an in-person event with Oklahomas Dr Jeff Riggenbach called ‘Renewing your mind.’
  • Launching Mindful of Christ Academy & our 1st full course ‘REIGNITE.’

What are your future plans for your ministry? Anything noteworthy to give us a heads-up about?

I’m currently working on a fourth book ‘Battle Strategies for Spiritual Warfare.’ It’s been a challenge as you can imagine but hoping to finish & launch sometime this year. I’m also turning ’Renewing Your Mind’ into an online course.

Where do we find out more about your ministry and how can we support you?

We would love prayers for the writing, completing & launching of ‘Battle Strategies for Spiritual Warfare’ please. If anyone would be interested in being a part of the launch team, please get in touch via email.


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