bipolarbrave post introduction

BipolarBrave: An Introduction

Bipolar Disorder came knocking when I was sixteen. As I experienced the surge of depression and misery, there wasn’t any diagnosis of this mood swing. Unfortunately, I had been in an upswing of mania by the time I identified my symptoms and began treatment. When I finally checked in to the local juvenile psychiatric ward for a three-week stay, my life forever changed. I knew I was living, but I didn’t know what to do with the way my mind processed things.

I began to learn. Seeing a psychiatrist, therapist, and support group gave me room and grace to understand this disease. As time went on, life’s rhythm ebbed and flowed. I’ve seen different psychiatrists, therapists, support groups and changed different medication dosages. I continued my education and graduated college, married, and have moved multiple times. Since then I’ve also had two children: Jaxon who passed after 8 days, and Kylie our sweet daughter who is now 3 months old.

Because I am never going to be without the disorder, and since the world is foreign to the unseeable, everyday manner of life that manifests in bipolar disorder, I am blogging my perception of it. Inside the mind, there is a world of chemical reactions that make up thoughts that influence feelings and then dictate actions. I want to inform you and unveil to you the way my mind sees things and my heart feels things. Let me give you a glimpse into my broken bit of life, choosing to be bold, brave, and real.

Katie R. Dale


  1. Jeyna Grace Avatar

    Your experiences will definitely educate all of us 🙂

    1. Katie Avatar

      Thanks Jeyna. I hope it does. 🙂

  2. Tina Avatar

    I am so proud of you it brings tears! Be well and I will come along for the ride.
    Gods Blessings and Peace!
    Aunt T

    1. Katie Avatar

      Thanks Aunt Tina! So glad you are following.

  3. Ashley Millington Avatar
    Ashley Millington

    Katie this is so inspiring, I have worked in mental health for years and currently am a social worker in inpatient mental health. Yours blogs are wonderful! thank you for sharing

    1. Katie R. Dale Avatar

      Ashley, thank you. I am happy to hear you are in the mental health field. I am hoping I can eventually advocate at mental healthcare centers/hospitals to reach out to those in that environment to offer hope and healing. Do you still reside in the Albany area? I will be there in April/May and would love to connect if you are. God bless!

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