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Biggest News EVER for BipolarBrave

Hi all,

It’s been a heck of a summer – and if you’re already subscribed to my newsletter you know the news I’m about to share. But there’s something big coming to and I don’t want you to miss it: will be turning into

A few reasons for this are:

1.Expanding Scope of Services, Including Graphic Design

I want to pivot my services and delve more into my graphic design services. Advocacy is great, but it doesn’t pay the bills, if you know what I mean. By offering logo design services on the site, I could make this blogging thing more profitable. It costs me to run the site, if you didn’t know.

As a preview of the logo design work I’ve done, here are a few of the latest concepts I’ve created:

Wellspring Logo example



Graces Landing Logo example

SuperJax logo example


2. Broader Range of Thoughts

I have more opinions to share than just matters related to mental health. It should be a no-brainer but I really do have a lot more things to say on topics not having to do with just mental illness. It’s hard sometimes to relate to the world of bipolar because of the distance I have between my current healthy state of mind and the last episode I had 9? years ago. I will continue blogging on those things too, but I’ll have more to say about the state of our society, and life as we know it in the 21st century, when I take this broader approach in my writing.

(I’ll be categorizing mental health under the category, “BipolarBrave,” and other thoughts under a “Communikated” category.)

I love the name, and I will keep the URL, but it will “point” to my new URL, so that any other links out on the web won’t be lost, but will bring you to my blog on And you’ll see “formerly known as…” in the first year or so of the change, so there shouldn’t be any confusion.

This is a BIG change, and I suspect I’ll have more to figure out along the way, in terms of the back-end of the blog. But I’m excited to make this change and share the news with you!

Q: What about getting your blog posts emailed to me?

In terms of finding my blog on the feed, I plan to no longer associate with Jetpack or In other words, you won’t be able to access my blog from there. SO, if you want to continue to get my blog posts sent to your email, you MUST sign up for my newsletter in which I will send you all the posts there.

Q: Where have you been and what’s next on the blog?

In regards to a lack of recent posts, I know I haven’t been super active this month on the blog, and for that, there’s a legit explanation… We moved–again–and are still in the process of unpacking. That said, I have a bunch of draft posts to be posted, they will just be posted in their own time.

Patience, Young Grasshopper 🙂

Please bear with me and be patient as I restructure the blog. It’s going to be a process, but one that is necessary for me to grow my business and brand as an author, advocate, and artist. When goes live, you’ll know. And I’ll let you know so you don’t miss it.

Stay bold, brave, and real!

Katie R. Dale


4 responses to “Biggest News EVER for BipolarBrave”

  1. Caroline Avatar

    So exciting, Katie! Looking forward to all your material. Blessings and prayers over your new adventure!

    1. Katie Avatar

      Thank you Caroline! Appreciate your encouragement and prayers 🙂

  2. Mary Avatar

    Looking forward to it!

    1. Katie Avatar

      Thanks Mary! 🙂

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