Author: Katie

  • The Struggle is Real: Giving Thanks in All Things

    The Struggle is Real: Giving Thanks in All Things

    It’s hard to give thanks. Thankfulness is not for the faint of heart, especially when things don’t go your way. At the moment I’m thankful for the small things, like getting ambitions accomplished while my little one sleeps. Guys, this mom/parenting thing is no joke. I feel like I’ve hit…

  • What I Would Change About the Mental Healthcare System

    I want to bring attention to the most broken part of the mental healthcare system in the US. I know there are many broken pieces, but I’m basing my comment on my personal experience, as someone who was fortunate enough to get care inside of a psychiatric hospital setting. You…

  • To Do or Not To Do, That’s the Question

    To Do or Not To Do, That’s the Question

      When you have settled those questions and come to a clearer understanding of why you would say yes and if that aligns with who you are, then you can find the answer to that One Question: To Do or Not To Do? And to us Christ-lovers, definitely listen for…

  • What to Do About These Dark Days

    What to Do About These Dark Days

    The days we are living in are hard! We all want the answers to be easy, too. As the challenges grind more difficult and frequent, we can agree this world is spinning faster into brokenness. But there is hope, you guys. We are not without hope. We All Want Answers…

  • Mental Illness Can’t Make You Lose Hope

    Mental Illness Can’t Make You Lose Hope

    On a Facebook group post, a person expressed how they were losing hope in their mind. While I cannot disprove their perspective, I disagree with that philosophy. Here’s my take: Your heart is the primary hope-cultivator, not your mind Hope starts in the heart, and your heart is where the…

  • Psychosis: How Did I End Up There?

    Psychosis: How Did I End Up There?

    This week I’ll be interviewed by my friend Laura Howe on her Care Ministry Podcast. I am writing this blog post to review and refresh myself and you on psychosis, as it can unfold, and how it unfolded for me. I will be discussing this in detail with Laura and…

  • Winners of the 2022 BipolarBrave Awards Announced

    Winners of the 2022 BipolarBrave Awards Announced

    In honor of #worldbipolarday, March 30th, congratulations to the 2022 BipolarBrave Awards Winners! Winners were judged based on how closely they fulfilled the criteria of: — Been active on blog, site, or social media for at minimum the last 6 months — Have a Christian, faith-based mission/vision to include reconciling…

  • Make Your Nominations for the Inaugural BipolarBrave Awards 2022

    Make Your Nominations for the Inaugural BipolarBrave Awards 2022

    Who do you nominate for the 2022 BipolarBrave Mental Health & Faith Awards? Consider blogs, influencers, and organizations that have made a difference in the church and mental health conversation. Criteria to aim for: — Been active on blog, site, or social media for at minimum the last 6 months…

  • The Case for Reclassification: Serious Mental Illness to Serious Brain Disorder

    The Case for Reclassification: Serious Mental Illness to Serious Brain Disorder

    What’s in a Name? Recently, the term Serious Brain Disorder (SBD) has been circulating in my Facebook mental health advocacy groups more and more. At first, it seemed as if these circles of advocates wanted the insurance companies to code Serious Mental Illnesses (SMIs) differently so they would issue better…

  • One Family’s Recovery from a Suicide Attempt

    One Family’s Recovery from a Suicide Attempt

    Chris Morris is a fellow Christian familiar with the realities of mental illness and psychiatric hospitalizations and reached out to me to collaborate. He guest posts today about his experience of returning home from the psych ward after a failed suicide attempt. I’m honored to have him post about this…